Chapter 18 || "Pull On Your Hair And Call You Baby Girl"

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I roll my eyes at Shawn's text but I can't deny the small smile that makes it way to my face. I bite down on my bottom lip and unlock my phone, pulling up Spotify and pulling up my playlist. I plug my phone into the aux chord and press shuffle, my music blasting through my cars speakers. I set my phone down and buckle up, pulling out of the parking spot and turning onto the road. I sing along to my playlist as I drive, and in a matter of ten minutes, I arrive home. As I pull up outside my house, I see Shawn's black pick up parked on the street. I pull into the driveway and turn off my music. I grab my phone and turn the car off, pulling the key out of the ignition. I take my book bag out of the passengers seat and climb out of the car, shutting the door behind me. I see Shawn get out of his truck and walk up the driveway to meet me.

Wordlessly, we walk up the path and I unlock the front door. I step inside and Shawn walks in behind me. I turn to him and say, "You can head upstairs into my room." He nods, walking towards the stairs and starting up them. I turn around and shut the front door, locking it. I head up the stairs myself and walk into my room, finding Shawn sitting at my desk with his binder already out.

I put my bag down and bend over to take my shoes off. I open my closet and toss them inside, shutting the door once more. I grab my own binder out of my bag and sit down on my bed near Shawn.

"What are we starting with?" I ask.

"Whatever you need the most help with. We don't have any homework since Mrs. Hernandez wasn't here, so we can go over anything you need to for the test." Shawn says, and I nod.

"Can we start with vocabulary again, then? I know we started it yesterday, but we didn't get very far..." I say, already lightly blushing as I think back to yesterdays events.

"You're right, we didn't get as far as I wish we had." Shawn says, and even though he's looking down at his binder as he searches for his vocabulary list, I can see the smirk played out across his lips. Even though I'm talking about not getting far down the vocabulary list, I don't think he's talking about the same thing. I blush even harder.

"Oh." I squeak, my voice barely loud enough for Shawn to hear it. Still, I know he does by the chuckle he lets out.

"Alright, tell me the definition of power." Shawn says once he finds the vocabulary sheet, and I begin to rattle off the dentition.

Forty-five minutes, Shawn and I have gone over everything I can at once without my head exploding. I close my binder, collapsing back onto my bed. I let out a sigh and close my eyes for a second, before sitting back up and looking at Shawn. He's staring at me, a foreign look in his eyes, and I laugh.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask.

"Like what?" he asks, and I shrug.

"Like, well, I don't know. You're just looking at me in a way that no one's ever looked at me before and it's kind of freaking me out if we're being honest. I don't know if you're thinking about random things and I'm just so happen to be in the direction of you zoning-out, or if you're thinking about murdering me." I joke, and he laughs.

"Wow, that got real morbid real fast." Shawn says, causing us both to laugh this time. We stare at each other for a few moments in silence, and I quickly look away, looking down at my fingernails instead.

"Um, the whole thing about us is super weird, right?" I ask, and I can tell the question catches Shawn off guard.

"Why is it weird?" he questions, moving from my desk chair onto my bed. He sits down on the edge of my bed, now only a few feet separating the two of us.

"I don't know, there's just all these random people coming up to me and asking me a really personal question. I'm just like, don't they know what privacy is?" I say, and he nods.

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