Chapter Eleven

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     Meanwhile, in a land far away, was a desolate wasteland. The skies were a crimson red and gold where the sun glowed, the clouds around it were grey in color from the pollution of ash and the entire place was as hot and dry as any desert. The mountains were jagged like a dragon's spine and appeared to be black in the far distance while the ground was cracked and dry, so much to the point that it was almost uninhabitable for any animal to live there.

     However, it was enough for one particular dragon to build his own kingdom here.

     Wyverns and lone dragons soared across the burning skies as drakes sped to and fro, the momentum behind their kicks brought about mini sand storms as they roamed together in large herds. This wasteland was known as Daemonia, and the creature that built it up was rumored to be far more devastating than any demon to ever roam the lands.


     The black dragon sat on a black skeletal throne, his tail thumping against the cold stone floor quietly as he awaited for his strongest drake pack and that little group of draegonites he had hired. Tartarus and the Oracion Seis, some of the strongest in the entire country, and to think that all it took was one particular dragon to gather them all together, one that influenced them so much that the results were chilling. The completely black dragon with eyes resembling abysses save for where the light touched them, making them appear a shade of red so dark that it resembled blood. Zeref, one of the two children of Igneel. To Acnologia, this dragon was his slave, his pet, but he knew better than to assume that the boy wasn't dangerous. Zeref had dangerous mood swings and would turn from passive and quiet to manipulative, cunning, and devious within the next second. It was the time during the transitions that he was most dangerous, and Acnologia knew that if he didn't use the boy carefully, this dragon would be the death of him. Truly a serpent that haunts one's final hour.

     Zeref stood besides Acnologia's throne now, and they weren't alone in this room. There were two more dragons here, and they all came from the same continent: Ultear, the dragoness with deep violet scales and white stripes along her flanks and under her wings. She, too, is a talented animus and had a dangerous rivalry with Zeref. Though she is sadistic, and he is quiet, she does not only possesses the ability to manipulate ice, but small fragments of time itself. Her claws practically dripped with power; Then there is Simon, the shyest of the guard. He is a massive and tall dark colored male with metallic scales and wings and the ability to manipulate darkness at his will. Simon is definitely the most intimidating of the three, but he lacked all reasons for violence, and if it weren't for Simon's talent in diplomacy and his skill with magic, Acnologia would have just killed him long ago. 

    "When are they coming?" Ultear demanded. She was lying down besides Zeref to the right of Acnologia's throne and was scratching at the rocks distastefully with her tail thumping against the ground. "We've been waiting for ages now!"

    "Paitence," Acnologia scolded the girl and she looked away, rolling her eyes.

    "But that is a good question. They were supposed to arrive half an hour ago," Simon murmured to Acnologia's left.

     Zeref, who was sitting still like a statue, lifted his head suddenly and his dark eyes opened for the first time since they all had arrived. "They're here," Zeref said and everyone quieted down as the massive double doors across the room opened suddenly. Leading the group was a group of six humans and behind them were nine massive drakes. The doors closed heavily behind them and they all bowed to Acnologia.

    "Ah, so you've finally decided to show up," Acnologia growled and stood up from his throne. Of all the dragons in Alvarez, Acnologia was one of the largest. His entire body was as big as a human tower and his form was more than thirty meters in length. His body was mainly the color of black but with a cream colored underbelly and feathered wings and three pairs of extensions atop his head. Blue tattoos covered his body and beady white eyes glared down at the drakes and humans beneath him. "So, what have you uncovered?"

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