Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Pearl's POV

I lay in bed. My tail under the seaweed covers.

I sat staring at the ceiling of my bedroom and I glanced at the clock every so often. I needed to figure out what Pisces was doing.

When the clock turned to 10:00, I heard a rustle in the room next to me. Pisces' room. I saw a figure, no doubt Pisces, swim down the stairs. The door of the house quietly shut behind her.

I threw off the covers and got out of bed. I quietly swam down the hallway and down the stairs. I could barely see anything in front of me except for hazy outlines of objects.

I pushed open the sea stone door. I looked around for Pisces. It took me a few seconds but then I saw her, slowly and carefully swimming along the side of the stone road.

I quietly closed the door behind me and began to swam slowly behind her.

I could see Pisces was being extra quiet. Not so she didn't wake mother or the neighborhood up, but so she didn't wake me up.

Pisces stopped abruptly.

She whipped around. Her eyes widened.

"Pearl!" Pisces angrily said. "What are you doing here!"

"I wanted to she what you are doing," I replied.

Pisces sighed. "Go back to bed Pearl."

"No," I said. "Come on Pisces."

Pisces hesitated. "Fine. I have a human boyfriend."

I gasped. Dating a human wasn't allowed unless you got permission from the King.

"And, I'm going to see him tonight. And I have to break up with him, because King Neptune says that I have to marry Trench instead."

Tears began to roll down Pisces face.

"It's okay Pisces," I said.

Pisces began to swim again and I swam beside her. We swam in silence.

We swam long enough so that the kingdom was no longer in view.

Pisces stopped for a moment and swam to the surface, I followed her.

We were at the rock I sat on the day before. Pisces sat on the rock and watched a black haired boy with sea green eyes pace on a dock.

"That's James," Pisces said.

James looked no older than 18.

"Pisces, how old is he?" I asked.

"Eighteen," she replied.

"Pisces! He is like...two years older than you!" I said.

"I know," Pisces replied. "So is Trench."

She did have a point.

James' eyes looked at Pisces and he waved at her.

Pisces smiled. She dove in the water and I followed her. We began to swim to the dock.

"Now remember, don't pop your head out of the water until I introduce you okay?" Pisces said while we were swimming towards the dock.

Underwater, the wood of the dock soon came into view.

Pisces squealed with excitement. "Here it goes."

Pisces popped her head out of the water.

"Hi Pisces," James said.

"Hi James," Pisces replied soon after.

James leaned in and kissed Pisces on the lips. It was a long kiss. James but his hands where Pisces tail began and Pisces put her arms around his neck.

It looked more like they were trying to eat each other than kiss.

"Ewww," I said sticking my tongue out.

James broke away. "Is someone there?"

"No," Pisces quickly said. She pressed her lips against James'.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Now someone really is there," James said.

Pisces kicked me with her fin.

"James, I brought someone along," Pisces said shyly.

"Who?" James asked.

"My little sister Pearl."

"Can I meet her?"

"Sure," Pisces replied. "But be careful, she has never seen a human before up close."

James nodded. "I can understand that."

I had butterflies in my stomach. Here goes nothing.

I popped just my eyes out of the water.

I stared up at James' face.

"Come on Pearl, don't be an idiot, he's not gonna hurt you," Pisces replied.

Pisces was right. My whole head popped out of the water.

"H-h-hi James," I said.

"Hi Pearl." James turned to Pisces. "How old is she?" He asked.

"14," Pisces replied. "Go on Pearl, show James your tail."

As much as Pisces was reasonable, This seemed like am odd request.

"Okay," I said.

I lifted up my tail out of the water.

"Wow," James said.

"James, there is a sensitive topic I need to talk to you about," Pisces said. "I-" Pisces swallowed. Tears began to flow from her eyes. "I don't think we can see each other anymore."

James' face dropped. "Why?"

"Well, I don't get to control who I marry. King Neptune does that. And I have to marry another merman and I'm so sorry James, I wish I wasn't a mermaid and I didn't have to follow these rules and everything," Pisces said sadly.

I couldn't help but to start crying myself. What was going to happen when I turned sixteen in two years?

Pisces put her head down in her arms on the dock. She began to cry out loud.

James put his hand on Pisces back.

"Don't cry Pisces, really," James said. "Everything will be okay."

Pisces didn't reply, but I knew what to say.

"No it's not okay!" I snapped. James stared at me wide-eyed, but I didn't care.

"Pisces is going to marry someone she doesn't love and you don't have to do that you selfish human! and I can't believe I ever found interest in your kind. I can't believe I would watch everyone laugh on the beach on that rock and not know that deep down inside you creatures are cruel, and mean, and nasty!"

James' face was bright red. "Your the creature! For gods sake you got a freaking tail and eat nothing but raw fish! RAW FISH. And if you think I loved any second of meeting you, your wrong you monster. I would be happy to catch you in a fishing net every day and then cut you to pieces and bake you in an oven you fish-hybrid monster."

My face felt hot. My tail was flicking wildly, like it always did when I was mad. "Shut up! At least I know what will make people feel better!" I yelled.

"Your only fourteen, your fourteen and your a mermaid who isn't supposed to be here making everything a mess!" James yelled.

Pisces lifted her head out of her arms. "Stop it," she sniffed. "I just want to go home."

Pisces turned around and sped away from the dock.

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't yelled at me," James said snottily.

I turned around and dived into the water. My tail hitting James in the face.

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