Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Pale's POV

I woke up, strange light was coming through the windows, it wasn't sunlight I knew that.
I saw something tan held up to my face.
I let out a high pitched scream.
Matthew swam into the room.
"What's wrong?" Matthew asked frantically.
I looked at Pearl whose smile was wide and her eyes were gleaming in the strange morning sun.
I laughed. It was just Pearl, her face was close to mine.
"Matthew you don't need to protect me," I said.
Matthew's goofy smile faded.
"Well...I mean like you know...just in case..."
He swam out of the room as quickly as he could.
Pearl doubled over laughing and clutching her stomach.
"Your brother is really funny," she said in between laughs.
I nodded.
Pearl stopped laughing. "When are we going to the surfing competition?" She asked, her voice was a lot perkier.
"Pearl, the competition isn't until a couple hours," I said. "And besides I have princess training so you have to figure out something else to do."
Pearl sighed. "Okay," she mumbled and swam out of the room.
The door shut behind her with a bang.
I sighed and stretched out on my bed. Honestly, living underwater is easy to get used to.
I heard the door open a crack.
"Can I come in?" A voice said from the door.
I glanced at the threshold and saw Amphrie looking in.
"Sure," I whispered.
Amphrie entered, her vibrant pink tail swishing in the water.
"Are you ready to start princess training?" Amphrie asked.
I moaned.
"Really there is a class for that?" I said.
Amphrie nodded with a slight giggle.
"Don't worry, it will be fun."
I sighed and sat up.
"Okay what do I have to do?"
Amphrie carried a large, old brown book to me.
"Here," she said pushing it towards me.
I took the book gently in my hands and it sagged me down a bit.
"What is all this for?" I asked.
"Training," Amphrie replied.
"What am I doing? Math?" I said.
"I don't know what Math is, so it must be a human thing."
Amphrie looked at me.
"So no."

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