Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Pale's POV

As soon as all the guards and Matthew left, Pearl and I quickly swam to the surface.

As we swam up the side of the wood I began to wonder what these people are doing here.

"Pearl, has divers ever came here before?" I asked.

"No," Pearl said swishing her tail.

"Are you sure they aren't your friends?" I asked.

"No," Pearl said. "What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know, maybe they came to you," I asked.

I did make sense, if merpeople could go to Bermuda, why can't land people go to Atlantica?

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

We swam up the side of the ship and peeked at the deck.

We saw two men, one was young, maybe in his late 20's and another one was a bit older maybe early 40's.

"Where are we now?" The old man asked.

"I'm not sure," the new man said.

"Well there is no one to ask," the old man said.

"Pearl," I whispered. "They are obviously lost, your a siren right?"

"Yeah, a little bit," Pearl replied.

"Just use your sireness to tell the sailors to go south to Bermuda and don't stop till you get there," I said.

Let's be honest, it's a pretty good plan. I deserve a pat on my shoulder.

"First off, sireness is not a word," Pearl said. "And second, it could backfire, I've never done this before and they have nets on the boat."

"Come on Pearl," I nagged. "You can do it."

I could tell she didn't want to do this.

"Fine!" Pearl said. "Your so aggravating."

"Yes!" I said.

"Just...close your ears," Pearl said.

I put my hands on my ears.

I didn't really know what happened after that. Pearl and I ducked under the water and then the sailors were heading toward Bermuda, away from the kingdom.

"Yeah we did it!" I yelled as we high fived.

Soon Matthew popped out of the water.

"So are we cool?" He said.

"Yeah," I replied.

It must be 8:00, so Pearl and I hurried to the beach.

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