Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Pale's POV

I didn't get why Pearl was so edgy with my name. I mean my name is my name, I can't change it.
Okay so Paleren is a little weird but Pearl is weird too. I mean who names their daughter Pearl? Okay maybe her being a mermaid is an exception, but still.
When we approached the castle, the doors opened by themselves.
Inside, I stood awestruck.
Two staircases circled around the large throne room. A throne sat at the end of the long room and a blue carpet stared below my feet and ended at the throne.
The throne was made of what looked like pure gold and it had to be at least 8 feet tall.
Fishnets and seashells curled up the sides and a three pointed trident stood next to the large throne.
I heard a door slam and I turned to the door on the far right of the throne.
I saw a merman, who looked no older than 12. A green merman tail barely touched the floor.
He held a three pointed bronze trident that was about one foot taller than him.
He looked like...
"Pale!" The merman yelled as he swam up and hugged me.
" I know you?" I replied.
The merman let go.
"Pale," he said. "It's me Matthew."
I stared at him in disbelief.
"It's me, Pale," he said.
I looked at his hair cut in a crew cut, his green eyes. This was my brother.
I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tight. "I thought I lost you forever," I said.
I couldn't believe it was him.
"I thought you were dead, what happened?" I asked him.
I released him.
"I turned into a merman and I got scared and swam away. A mermaid found me and took me here," he said.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I'm home," Matthew said.
Pearl cut in. "home? This isn't your home. Your home is with your dad."
"I am with my dad," Matthew replied. "I'm a prince and Pale is a princess, of the sea."
My jaw dropped.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah," Matthew said.
"No," Pearl said.
"Yeah," Matthew said.
"No. The kings son and daughter died as soon as they were born. I was at the funeral and everything," Pearl said.
"Pearl," I said. I placed my arm on her shoulder. It was sharp with bits of golden fish scales. Probably one of those birth deformities that give you more scales. "I know my bro, he's not lying."
"What's a bro?" Pearl said.
Matthew tapped me on the shoulder. "Mermaids don't understand slang."
"I know my brother. He's not lying," I said.
"Your brothers a merman! Did you know that before you got here? No! I guess he didn't have the guts to tell you! He was silently lying! He swam away from telling you the truth! That he was a merman! Not dead!" Pearl said. Her face was turning bright red.
"Pearl, just ask the King," I said. Right there, I knew I said something wrong.
"I'm surprised you didn't call him Dad Pale!" Pearl said as she swam out of the throne room.
"It's okay. Mermaid are really stuck up and annoying," Matthew said.
"Yeah," I said as I slowly swam up the stairs on the right.
I pushed open the bronze door with a gold trident on it. It was surprisingly light.
A long hallway with doors on the side greeted me. This must be on of the hallways where everyone slept.
Matthew had to of saved a room for me.
I swam up to a door. It was fairly the size of a human door, and it looked like one too except it was bronze with a silver doorknob.
Where do merfolk get this kind of stuff? I mean it's not like you can mine underwater. Or maybe it's not iron at all.
I knocked on the door.
"Matthew I'll be out in a minute," a sweet voice said.
I thought for a moment. The person on the other side of this door knew Matthew. So she must know about me.
"It's not Matthew," I called. "It's Paleren Atlanta. Matthew's sister."
The door swung open and someone squeezed me tight.
The mermaid released me and I caught my breath.
I saw a beautiful mermaid standing there. Her pink tail sparkled in the water. Her flowing black hair touched down to her waist. Her eyes were a dark beautiful brown.
A gold crown shown on her head symbolizing her royalty.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Queen Amphrie. Amphrie is short for a really long name I really don't want to waste your time hearing," the Queen said. Her voice was like a soft pink cloud, drifting like a sweet melody. She cleared her throat. "I'm your stepmother."
I nodded.
"I heard all about you from Matthew, you don't like the water do you?" Amphrie asked raising an eyebrow.
I shrugged. "I like the water now. I think mainly because I'm stuck here."
Amphrie laughed. "I can't argue with that."
"Where do I sleep?" I asked.
"The last door on the left," Amphrie said as she closed the door.
Well, I have a stepmom. Something new.
I slowly swam down the hallway. Glancing at all the large doors.
They reminded me a bit of the village houses lining the sea floor streets.
Pearl. Oh god she was still mad at me.
I have to make up with her.
I quickly swam down the large stairs and raced out the door of the underwater castle.
Mermaids and merman lined the streets. The word wasn't out that I was a princess yet. People just thought I was a regular mermaid.
Pearl had to be in her home.
I raced up the streets of the village, I swam faster than I've ever swam before.
Purple, yellow, orange coral houses lined the streets.
I stopped when my eyes laid upon a familiar purple coral house.
I swam up it and twisted the bronze doorknob.
I pushed the door open and swam inside.
Hey guys!!! I know plot twist. You guys are all like oooooooohhhhhhhh

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