Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Pearl's POV

The next morning Pisces had the mermaid fever. Which is the same thing as human fever.
"I think I'm going to talk to James again today," I said as I used my spoon to make a whirlpool in my bowl of seahorse milk.
(Okay mermaids didn't entirely live on fish.)
"Why is that?" Mother asked as she sat down at the table.
"Because Pisces took me along with her to see James and then Pisces started crying trying to break up with him and then James said that everything will be fine and then I started yelling at him."
"He was just trying to make Pisces feel better," Mother said.
"I know that why I feel bad," I said. "What time is it in the human world?" I asked.
"Five o'clock in the morning," Mother replied.
"Okay, great," I said. "I'll go now."
I stood up and quickly swam out the door.
I knew what I was going to do. I was going to sing a siren song and then James will come to the beach. Then I can apologize.
I approached the dock. I hoisted myself on to the wood. There was no one around. Not even this so called park ranger.
I looked up at the sky. Storm clouds were brewing, no doubt. I just hope that didn't interfere with anything.
I cleared my throat and I began to sing a soft melody. There were no words. Just my voice changing as it went down or up a magical scale.
"Pisces! Is that you?" A voice said.
I stopped singing. Perfect.
Mermaid songs aren't designed to attract every boy, just one in particular.
"Pisces!" James yelled as he ran down the wooden dock.
James stopped suddenly when he laid his eyes on me.
"You," he said. "I thought I told you to get out of here."
I shrugged.
James turned around and began to walk down the dock.
"Wait!" I yelled. "James! Come back! I'm sorry! Okay? I don't know how to react around a human, no one's ever showed me!" I yelled.
James stopped walking.
"Come on James, I'm sorry," I said. "Pisces is crushed and I know now that you were only trying to make her feel better."
A wave shook the dock. I went off balance and fell into the water. Another wave collapsed on top of me. I was fine with this. I'm a mermaid. Water is good for me.
James walked to the end of the dock. He loomed over me like the surface water above my home.
Another wave rolled over and shook the dock.
James tumbled head first into the water.
"James!" I cried as I dived below the water.
I saw him trying to pump his feet but he couldn't.
I couldn't help but to laugh. "Oh James," I said.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him out of the water.
James gasped for air.
"If you can't swim, why are you dating a mermaid?" I joked.
James shrugged as he pulled himself on to the dock.
A larger wave flooded a part of the dock.
"James," I said. "I think you should go now."
"Why?" He asked.
"The water is getting rough. You might not be safe here," I said.
"Pearl, I'm fine," James said.
"Your not a merman," I said.
"I know, but that doesn't mean I can't swim," James said.
I ducked under the water again to avoid a larger wave.
The water flooded a bit of the dock again.
I looked in the distance. The waves were very choppy but one of them was very large, and it was getting larger by the second. And it was coming straight towards us.
"James," I said. "Get home as fast as you can."
"Why?" James asked.
"There is a tsunami!" I yelled.
The wave towered over James and I. James turned and ran as fast as he could.
I dived into the water and swam as fast as I could.
I dodged pieces of wood and glass from the dock. I just pray James made it out safely.
My long blonde hair acted like a whip, stinging my skin every time my head turned a new direction.
My sea green eyes stung. The amount of wood dust in the water wasn't good for my lungs.
When I return home I'm going to tell Pieces that James and I made up.
Something came hurtling towards me. It looked like a bar of wood.
It smacked me in the face.
Then I saw nothing but blackness.

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