Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Pale's POV

I could hear my mom snoring deeply in the room next to me.

I pulled the covers over my head and went to sleep.

The King was sitting on a throne. Overlooking two merpeople together. They looked like they were getting married.

A tall mermaid with an orange-brown tail had a brides dress on and a veil over her face. She had brown hair tied up in a bun. She was crying, and I didn't know why. She didn't look happy.

In front of her was a merman, with a dark blue tail. He was bare chested and wasn't wearing anything fancy. He was smiling. I think he was happy he was marrying someone as pretty as the girl.

The mermaid looked younger than the merman.

My eyes shifted to the left. I found my brother sitting in the rows of church benches with my brother...with a...a merman tail. My brother, in my dream had a green fishtail like the King. My brother was bare chested. I wanted to laugh but I knew I couldn't.

Tears swelled up in the mermaids eyes.

"Pisces, I love you," the merman said.

Pisces didn't say anything back.

The merman leaned in and kissed her on the lips, the crowd cheered.

A tear was still rolling down Pisces' cheek.

Then my lungs filled with water. I couldn't breathe. O yeah brain, thanks for telling me, I can't breathe underwater.

I could feel the world darkening around me as my vision failed.

Pisces looked at me.

"My sister is missing, find her for me," Pisces mouthed.

I nodded. Just as the sky began black and...

I bolted upright, panting heavily.

I grabbed my sheets and threw them of my bed revealing my human legs. I sighed with relief.

My brain did crazy things some time.

I rolled out of bed and put on a aqua thick-strapped tank top and some dark jean shorts.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a small bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator.

"I'm going out to search for Matthew," I said to mom.

Mom looked up from her bowl of cereal.

"Okay," she said.

I turned.

"Wait," my mother called out.

I turned back around and faced her.

Mom got up and wrapped her arms around me. My shoulder was wet. My mom was crying.

"Pale," my mom whispered into my ear.

"Yeah?" I whispered back to her.

"Say hello to your father for me," she said, squeezing me a little tighter.

"Okay," I said nodding.

I wasn't going out to sea. I wasn't swimming all over the world searching for a lost ship and a dead father. This struck me as an odd request.

My mom released me and I ran out the door.

Let me tell you now. My street was a mess. I always new something new was going to appear or something different would have been taken away. But nothing like this.

Pearl and Pale: The MermaidsWhere stories live. Discover now