Chapter 2

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"... 98!" The math sensei smiled at Misaki as she passed her math pop quiz to her. "Well done, Kanade-chan! Top scorer amongst the girls!"

She allowed a small smile to grace her lips. Math and English were her two favourite and best subjects – the others bored her too much for her to put in effort – and she made sure she did well for them.

The sensei moved the seat beside her's in the next aisle.

"Wow, Hinata-kun, 100! Top in class."

She felt her eye twitch. For the past week or so of lessons, Sanjuurou was top in absolutely almost everything he does – and he was better than her at math, one of the only two subjects she cared about. And that despicable fellow would waste no time in gloating his success in her face.

She turned, ready to glare at him if he pointed out how his score was higher than hers.

To her surprise, instead of focusing on his quiz, he had his chin resting on his palm, and was looking out of the window intently. "... the number of students remaining are divisible by three... I have a bad feeling about this."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well," he continued frowning at the island approaching the sun. "You see, Misaki, there are times when there will be different types of eclipses, such as a separate – "

Before he could finish his sentence, a blinding light engulfed them. The next moment she opened her eyes, there was no classroom, no Rokudou and Aira, no Sanjuurou; only herself alone in a forest.

A girl with pale blonde hair and red eyes stood in front of her, along with a boy with dark hair and a kanji upon his brow.

"Don't slow us down," the boy said before walking ahead.

She was about to retort how no one gave her orders, but deciding it would be better to stick with them, she wordlessly followed them, stopping at where a door lay. The door had a white dragon on it, and it started speaking in a low and majestic voice, telling them that they could only exit if they could get a key from it, and that they may either challenge it with skill or strength.

The boy stretched his arm forward in the direction of the dragon. "Ste-"

"Wait," Misaki said.

She didn't know what this boy's character was (she did not look at his face closely), but she was quite certain and confident that with a character like her's was surely of more use in this kind of situation.

However, the dragons had other plans.

"You have decided to challenge me with skill," it said. "Very well."

And with a roar, it leaped off the door and towards her. Misaki swallowed before she started running, while the other two stayed in front of the door.

"Shouldn't we help her?" the girl murmured.

"She bought this upon herself," the boy carelessly commented.

'Everyone's just thinking of how to use one another and abandoning them when danger comes around,' Misaki thought bitterly, despite the fact she was the one who wanted to intervene with the dragon.

Caught up in her thoughts and self-pity, she stumbled against the tree log on the ground and fell, landing heavily on her right arm. The dragon roared, stopping right in front of her, mouth opened.

Her eyes widened, and she was trembling. Images of her pending death flashed through her mind, paralysing her.

'Don't fight it and get used to it', Sanjuurou's voice suddenly echoed in her head.

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