Chapter Two

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Lauren's Pov

I sit in the room with Normani and it's very silent but I don't mind she takes out some paper and a writes on it

"What are you writing?" I ask

"Just a letter to someone" She says looking up quickly but back at the paper

"Who" I ask

"Just someone" She says there is a knock at the door and a tall woman walks in she looks like she is a server once she sees me she bows to me

"You may stand" I say and she nods her head and stands without looking at me she walks over and sits at the end of Normani's footrest and I look at her a bit taken back

"How dare you not bow to your princess" I ask disgusted and she gets up and is about to bow to her

"Dinah no, She does not have to bow to me she is my friend just because she was not born royalty does not make her any different from us and I think you owe her an apology for raising your voice at her" once she says this I cant help but laugh

"Ha you want me to apologize to a server are you insane" I ask still laughing

"You will apologize or you will leave my room" She says raising her voice a bit

"I apologize kind server" I say looking over to the girl

"Her name is Dinah try again"Normani says with a smirk

"I apologize Dinah it won't happen again but just saying if my father were to see you not bow to royalty he would have your head and Normani could not even save you. I'll be going now goodnight ladies" as I walk towards the door Normani stops me

"Wait Lauren can you stay for just a bit longer" she asks with pleading eyes and I feel a strange feeling in my stomach but I just nod instead of speaking

"Thank you come sit with us" she says walking to her bed and I sit next to her

"Dinah how old are you, you look a bit young" I ask and she looks down

"You may speak look I am sorry I just... here its kinda like a crime for servers and villagers not to bow to royalty I was just taken back If we are just in Normani's room you may look at me as a friend you wont have to bow but everywhere else you must so tell me how old are you?" Normani looks at me and gives a small smile and if I were dead that smile could bring me back to life

" I am 16" Dinah says

"Oh you are younger than I thought I have a young server too well she is older than me but kinda young her name is Ally she is very kind you both would like her" I say and they smile

"How old are you Lauren" Normani asks

"I am 18" I say and they both look at me confused and I already know why

"18 and you are not married?" Normani asks

"I do not need to marry there is no man on this earth that I would want to marry" I say and they laugh

"Whats funny" I ask

"You I mean I dont want to be married yet but one day I wanted to find my own love"Normani says

"Yeah I wanna get married one day too" Dinah says

"I never said I did not wany to get married I said there is no man on this earth I would marry" I say smiling

"So that means you will never get married" Normani says and I frown

"can you keep a secret" I ask them and they both nod

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