Chapter Fourteen

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Lauren's Pov

I walk back to my room smiling thinking of the moment Normani and I just shared. Oh how in love I am with her. Once I walk into my room when I see who's in my bed I almost have a heat attack.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I ask

"Where have you been I've been here for hours you idiot" Chris says rolling his eyes

"I was out riding" I lie

"Oh well I need your help" He says looking at his hands

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I need you to make Normani fall in love with Ezra" he whispers

"What why I thought you wanted her?" I say shocked and annoyed

"I did but Princess Dua is really something, we were talking today and well she showed me under her dress and it's amazing" he says smiling hard

"So you want to give up Princess Normani because Princess Dua flashed you?" I asked confused

"Not only that but she told me Ezra wants Normani he thinks she is the most beautiful woman alive which I agree but he also said if I give her to him he would personally help me conquer the Great Grass Sea" He says smirking

"What the Dothraki would never let that happen even Father has failed many times" I say in disbelief

"I know can you Imagine how proud Father will be once I do this for us" He says

"But if Father couldn't conquer them what makes you think Ezra could?" I ask

"He speaks Dothraki he is the bastard of a Dothraki Queen he is their rightful king or something I don't know but I trust it and I need to do this I'll be the most loved and feared king after father" He says getting up and I sit speechless how could Ezra be part Dothraki and royalty

"Oh Lauren don't you dare tell anyone this or I'll fuck Normani in front of you before putting your head on a stick now help her fall in love with Ezra" He says before walking out and I lay on my bed and let out a long scream before I hear a knock on my door

"Go away" I yell but I hear someone walk in my room

"Is that anyway to speak to a Princess" Dua says walking and sitting on my bed

"Sorry Princess I... I just am having a bad night" I say looking away "You should go I just want to rest" I say but she lays down pulling me close to her and the next thing I know I am falling asleep.

Normani's Pov

I wake up with a smile on my face thinking of the amazing night Lauren and I shared I love her so Much I think to myself I walk in the bathroom to bathe and get dressed as I am walking out of my room I see Dua sneaking out of Lauren's only in her night dress and I don't know what to think all I feel is sadness. I walk downstairs and I see the lady knight and she smiles at me

"Good morning your grace... I uh mean your highness" she says smiling and I think she's so pretty

"Good morning Zendaya" I say sadly and she frowns

"What is the matter princess?" She ask

"I just didnt sleep too well I felt lonely" I partially lie

"ahh I am sorry princess if you'd like I could keep you company until you fall asleep" she says with a smirk and I blush

"Thank you Zendaya" I say and she gets on her knee and kisses my hand looking me in the eyes and I look away so she can't see my blush I soon hear someone clear their throat

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