Chapter One

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     "Morning, Nina!" I shouted, running into her room and throwing open her curtains. I opened the window and smiled down at my favorite city: New York City. I squinted to see the tour bus far down the street, but I couldn't make out the logo on the side. I turned to see Nina was still sleeping. "Get up, you hobo!" I screamed into her ear. She sat up, her hair looking wild.

     "Wha?" she muttered.

     "Up! Now!" I was just barely oout of the room when I saw her lay back down. "Child, I mean it!" She reluctantly got up and started getting ready. "I'm going to walk. You can take the car."

     "Kay!" she called from the other room. I shut the door to our condo, patting my dog goodbye. I waited for the elevator to stop. When it did, I walked out of the lobby, waving to the manager on my way out. I adjusted the schoolbag on my shoulder and continued walking to the college I went to. The longer I walked, the closer I got to the concert going on at Times Square. The music rang a little bell in the back of my mind. I got close enough to see the faces of the people on stage, only to meet the gaze of one. He stared me right in the eyes, and the smile that was nowhere on his face suddenly appeared, and his green eyes brightened. I checked my watch and knew I couldn't stay to watch the concert. When the song was over, I cheered the band and caught one more gaze by the boy with the green eyes. I smiled and waved. He leaned over to one of the security guards and said something to him, and the big security guard began coming my way. I raised my eyebrows when he got to me.

     "Come with me, Miss." he told me. I nodded and followed him to the tour bus that I couldn't read before. I read the big letters on the side of the bus.

     One Direction

     I remembered them then. I used to listen to them all the time a couple years before. They had great music. The security guard knocked on the door of the bus. It opened to reveal Zayn Malik. He opened the door and motioned me in, then thanked the security guard. I stepped into the bus to see three fifths of One Direction lounging about. Zayn joined them.

     "Um, hi." I told them. They all replied heys.

     "What's your name?" Niall asked me.

     "Skylar Wood." I said.

     "Harry's fixing himself. He'll be out in a minute." said Liam. I nodded and bit my lip. This was awkward...

     "Hey!" I looked up to see the green eyed boy Harry walking walking towards me. He was smiling like he had when I waved to him on stage. "I'm Harry Styles."

     "I'm Skylar Wood. Is there a specific reason why you wanted me here?" I tried to say that in a nice way.

     "I just wanted to know if we could hang out, sometime." he said. I nodded and wrote my number on the back of a bookmark.

     "I have to go. I'm going to be late for class. Just give me a call later." I smiled and waved as I left the bus, catching a taxi.

     What just happened?

     "Harry's in looooovvee!" Louis shouted. Harry laughed and looked down at the bookmark. Skylar had sideways cursive handwriting. She had put a smilely face below her number.

     "She's cute." Liam said. The other guys nodded.

     "She's mine." Harry told them. He sat down in one of the chairs and sighed.

     "Sky, your phone's going off again!" Nina shouted. "Skylar?" She walked into Sky's room to see her fast asleep. She shrugged and grabbed the ringing phone. She read the number, but she didn't recognize it. Nina opened the message.

Hey Skylar, it's Harry Styles. Do you think the guys and I could come over sometime? Our tour bus is crowded. :)

     Nina's mouth turned into an 'O'. She closed her mouth and glanced behind her to see if Sky was still sleeping. She was. Nina replied to the text for her sleeping friend.

Yeah! I live (Insert address here). You can come here anytime ;)Nina smiled smugly and called out:

     "Skkyyylarrrr! Did you meet someone today?"

He's Leading Me In One Direction... (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now