Chapter Thirteen

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It's been nearly three weeks since Stiles returned, when I overhear him -accidentally- talking to Scott. I still when I hear their voices floating in through the back screen door. I'm in the laundry room, finishing off a load and I can hear them as clearly as if they were standing right next to me. Realistically I could've moved so I wasn't eavesdropping, but it's the mention of Malia's name that keeps me rooted to my spot.

"They're sending her to Sydney for some programme. It's basically re-hab for alcoholics."

I cover my mouth to stop the gasp that nearly escapes my lips.

"Her mother is even thinking of moving away completely."

"Damn mate that sucks." I hear Scott reply.

"Yeah it does, but, it's probably for the best."

"What do you mean?"

"We haven't been doing so great mate, even before this happened. We're distant, we barely talk on the phone and when we do its short."

I hear Scott slap Stiles' shoulder a couple of times and I'm just about to walk away when I hear my name.

"Plus there's the thing with Lydia too." Scott says his tone a little softer.

"I know, God I've been awful to her lately, it's no wonder she doesn't want anything to do with me."

I'm a little surprised by his words, because I was under the assumption he wanted nothing to do with me.

"What are you gonna do? I mean you need to make a decision mate, she's not going to wait around forever."

And right then is when I should've walked away, because the next words to leave Stiles' mouth have my stomach doing somersaults.

"I know, fuck man I've never felt this way about anyone, but I feel like I'm betraying Malia if I just walk away when she's going through all of this."

"I don't know Stiles, and don't take this the wrong way okay bud, because I love Lydia and I think you two will be great together, but I think the betrayal started a long time ago, not intentionally of course, but I think you've known for a long time that you want to be with her."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Stiles answers. "Shit dude when did you get so smart?"

I hear them laugh, before their voices disappear, as they move away from the porch. I on the other hand can't move, because my head is spinning and my body has gone numb. I'm not sure how long I stand there, as I let the implication of his words settle over me. Could what I heard be true? Does he really have feelings for me, but doesn't want to be disloyal to his sick girlfriend? And how long has he felt this way?

In somewhat of a daze, I finally get my feet to work and make my way to my room. Once there I fall face first onto my bed, with a stupid smile on my lips. So I had been right all along. I hadn't been imagining the way he looked at me or the electricity that seemed to bounce between us. I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling, giddy with happiness that what I've suspected all along is true. He had been flirting with me.

If I thought that Stiles' admission to Scott would speed things up a little, I thought wrong. The giddiness I had felt, disappears two days later, when he to goes back to Alice Springs, to apparently help Malia with her move to Sydney. I've gone from being on top of the world, to having a constant dark cloud hanging over me. And my mood swing doesn't go unnoticed by my perceptive cousin. She corners me in the kitchen, the day Stiles is due to get back.

"Alright, what's up with you?"

I shrug, as I continue to chop up vegetables for dinner. I haven't told Ally about what I had overheard, deciding instead to keep that little secret to myself. She crosses her arms over her chest and gives me a pointed look. I ignore her at first, as I throw carrots, potatoes and sweet potatoes into the crock-pot. I shrink a little under her unyielding gaze. When I finally look at her, her eyebrows are raised.

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