Chapter Sixteen

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My Aunt spends ten days in Alice Springs hospital. We get daily updates from Chris or Ally. Mainly they ring to complain about how much Sybill is being a pain in the ass. With all of the Argents gone, the running of the property is left to Noah and Gus while my Aunt recuperates. Meanwhile the rest of us get on with our work. Unfortunately for me, that means I have to spend quality time with Malia, who after her first day back, is the last person I want to be around.

Gus had basically put her to work, which I'm sure is something she's never had to do while she's been here before. To her credit though, she has been on her best behaviour. I'm not sure what Stiles said to her that night, he wouldn't tell me, but it seems to have reigned her in. The first couple of days we work on automatic, it's like we know where the other is, so we avoid each other at all costs. I'm still wary of the girl, so the less time I can be around her the better.

The one saving grace is of course Stiles. He kind of acts like a mediator, but without actually saying anything, because he apparently has nothing to say to the brunette either. And he doesn't let her stop him from sneaking in kisses, or letting his hands innocently wander over my body, in front of the girl. I don't look at her to see her reaction to our chaste make out sessions, but I can feel her anger rolling off her in waves.

I try to voice my concerns to Stiles one night in his room, with his hand under my top and my leg hiked up over his hip, but he distracts me with his mouth, that leaves a trail of kisses down the column of my neck. When his hand ghosts down my stomach and comes to rest on the waistband  of my shorts, his mouth still assaulting my neck, I have a hard time remembering what I wanted to say.

"Stiles?" I say way to breathlessly.

"Mmm." He mumbles against my neck, as his hand comes down to run along my thigh.

My body trembles at the sensation, tingling with electricity, and as much as I want to continue with this I'm sure there was something I needed to say.

"Stiles?" I say again.

He growls against my collarbone and pushes himself up into his elbows, setting me with a smile that has me wishing I had just kept my mouth shut.

"What's up?"

"I think maybe we need to be a bit more discreet while Malia is here."

He rolls his eyes, and the mention of her name is enough to kill the mood. He moves off to the side of me, one hand goes behind his head as the other rests on his stomach, his eyes focused on the ceiling. I turn myself so I'm facing him and propped myself up on one elbow, linking our fingers together on his stomach. He doesn't say anything at first, he just bites his bottom lip, obviously mulling over my words.

When I can't stand the silence anymore I continue.

"I know you talked to her and promised me that everything was fine, but I feel like we're rubbing it in her face."

He still doesn't say anything.

"I know what it's like remember? I had to endure the two of you all the time and it's not a nice feeling."

He moves his head so his whiskey eyes connect with my green ones.

"Has she said something or done anything?" He asks his face laced with concern.

"No. We've actually been rather good at avoiding each other, despite having to work together." I answer shaking my head.

He mirrors me by propping up on his elbow, his fingers playing with the end of my braid.

"So we keep things clean when she's around?"

I just nod, still a little unsure. He notices, he sits up and pulls me into his lap.

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