Chapter Seventeen

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My Aunt came home in high spirits, and in no time at all she was back to running her station. We embrace tightly, before I greet Ally eagerly. I immediately pull her upstairs, to tell her everything that happened while she was away. She listened with barely contained interest, even though I know she as desperate to see Scott. The men were all watching over the birth of the new calves, so she would have to wait a few more hours.

When I finished telling her all the gossip, she sat up straighter and looked at me curiously.

"Are you sure it's not a trap?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"I don't know Lyds, I'm having a hard time believing that someone could change that quickly."

"I couldn't quite swallow it either at first, but I do believe in second chances." I tell her. "I really do think she's trying to turn things around."

She just shrugs.

"If you say so."

I don't blame her for being sceptical, she's only ever seen one side of Malia.

"Just please be careful." She begs. "I still don't trust the girl as far as I could throw her."

I try to tell her that she has nothing to worry about, but Ally has born a grudge against Malia for a long time. It's going to take more than just a few sorrys, for her to believe that Malia has turned a corner. I let the subject go and we turn the conversation to Ally's time in Alice Springs. It's not long before the guys are back, and Scott and Allison collide in a heated kiss, as if they've been apart for years, not days. It doesn't take long for them to disappear into Scotts room.

My mood couldn't be any better. My Aunt is healing well, Malia is behaving herself and Stiles and I are only get closer. Any chance we get, we're wrapped up in each other's arms, or joined at the lips, and everyday I become more desperate for his touch. I find myself daydreaming a lot, as visions of his body over mine, swim around in my head. Everytime we're together, we get closer and closer to an end, that I find I'm suddenly not so nervous about.

But we don't get a chance, at least for the first two weeks my Aunt is home. Between him working long days and having a bout of the flu, and me concentrating on my school work, plus my chores, we barely have time to scratch ourselves, let alone time for each other. We steal kisses here and there, when we can, but we're both so tired most nights, that we're asleep before nine pm most nights.

The second weekend My Aunt, Ally and Chris are back is Ally's birthday. Like me, my Aunt throws her a party, and its just another thing that keeps us busy. From the setting up of decorations, to getting food organised, and then any other preparations involved. The actual event of course, goes off without a hitch, due to my Aunts meticulous planning. In fact it's one of the best nights I've had since I've been here. That is of course, until everything turned to shit.

Its later that night that Stiles and I essentially have our first fight. It's the first time in forever, that we get some quality alone time, albeit there is about thirty other people here. Halfway through the night though, I was certain that maybe we might take that next step in our relationship, but Stiles gets really drunk, and I see a side of him I have never seen before. And even though I witnessed it a little when Aiden was here, I realise jealousy does not look good on him at all.

It's been four days and we're still not talking. And I don't know if it's because he's still pissed at Daniel -one of our friends from the neighbouring property- flirting with me, or if it's because he's embarrassed about how he reacted. I'm sure Daniel is sporting a serious black eye, after Stiles punched his nose. It took Scott and Isaac to pull Stiles off Daniel, while Derek held the other boy back before he retaliated.

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