Dont do it germany!

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I woke up in the morning really sad. it was the day of Holy Rome's death. I got out of bed and wet down for breakfast.

"Hurry Italy zere's a meeting today. Ve need to leave in an hour." Germany says.

"Ok Germany." I reply.

How could I have forgotten the meeting! only Hungary and Austria know about me and Holy Rome. to day will be torture. i go to my room and get dressed.

"It time to reav Itary-San." I hear japan say.

"Ve, I'm coming."

I walk out and get into the car. the meeting is in Germany this time so it will take half and hour to get there. I sit down in the back with Japan and stare out the window. I notice japan look over at me with a worried look in his face.

"Is everything alright Itary San?" he asks.

When he says this Germany looks back and at me.

I put on a smile. "Ve, I'm fine just thinking about pasta." I lie. I was really thinking about Holy Rome.

Germany looks convinced and looks at the road again but Japan doesn't.

"Are you sure." he asks again.

"Yes I'm sure."

He looks away still not convinced. I sigh and look out the window again.

*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*time skip-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*

When we get to the meeting I walk in and sit down in my seat. I wait for everyone else to calm down or for Germany to yell at them to shut up. 3. 2. 1.


Yup right on time. I was about to do that myself.

"Thank you Germany." England says.

I zone out and think about Holy Rome. I wish he was still here. I miss him so much. my eyes start to tear up. 'No don't cry don't think about him!' I mentally yell at my self. I force myself to hey out of of thoughts and listen to America talk about his giant robot things. he's such and idiot something's I mean, how are you going to build the thing anyway!



I look over at Italy. he's just sitting there staring at nothing. he hasn't even mentioned pasta once. something isn't right. I look aver at him again and it looks like he's about to cry. I look at japan and he noticed Italy to. Japan looks worried. I look at England and point to Italy. he looks at him and his eyes widen. I mouth if we can take a break and he nods after pointing to America. "After americas done' is what he's saying. I nod and look at Italy again. still worried.



England just announced were going to take a break. I sigh in relief. I did not want to listen to america anymore. I get up and walk out of the room with some other people. I sit on a couch in a room i found and starts to cry. I miss Holy Rome so much. I hear someone knock on the door. I freak out 'No no no no! I don't want anybody to see me like this.' I wipe my tears just as the door opens. its Germany.

"Italy vy are you crying?" he asks.

"Ummm I f-fell down." I reply.

"No you didn't don't lie to me."

I can't lie to Germany.

"I miss him." I say crying again.

"Who?" Germany asks.

"Holy Roman Empire." I reply.

Germany looks shocked.

"Vy do you miss him. he's gone and he's been gone for years. Vy do you miss somevone WHO'S DEAD! HES NOT COMING BACK!" he yells.

I look at him eyes wide. I start hyperventilating. I hear the door open and a gasp. all of a sudden I head see japan and he is MAD. I see his mouth moving but I can't hear him. I can't believe Germany said that he's my friend. my hyperventilating is getting worse. in see Germany leave and japan runs over to me. Hes trying to calm me down but it's not working. I'm crying again. japan looks worried and he calls in England and France. they come running in and their eyes go wide. my vision is darkening. I hear France yelling at me to calm down. the last thing I see and hear is England telling me to breath and all three worried faces.

Everything is dark.

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