The world meeting: germany

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I haven't seen Italy in three weeks. I finally get to see him in the world meeting today. when me and Japan get there it's five minutes till the meeting. When we walk in we sit down. we realize that Italy is sitting next to France and England. I guess he's just talking. I set my stuff up and pull out the book I brought and start reading. I hear someone walk over and sit down. I look up expecting to see Italy but I see America there. me and Japan look around and see that Italy is still sitting by England. he must have switched seats for today. I look at Japan and he look sad. I wonder why? during the meeting I kept looking at Italy. he. Was actually paying attention! I look at him again. he looks more serious, he has his papers all set up nice and neat. he doesn't look as spaced out as usual. something is defiantly different and I want to know what. an hour and a half into the meeting there's a break. Italy gets up and starts walking to an empty chair. (sorry Canada) I block his path path.

"Hello Italy."

"Ciao." he replies.

"How have you been?" I ask.

"I've been fine. now, could you please move?" he states.

I stare at him and reluctantly move out of his path. 'vats wrong vith him?' I think. I sit down and tell Japan about Italy. he looks worried. before I knew it, it had been thirty minutes and it was back to the meeting. everyone was happy and relaxed and that was a recipe for trouble. I was right the BTT decided to bother some people and this resulted in some fights and swearing. after fifteen minutes I get a look from England that says:

"Shut. them. up."

"ZAT IZ ENOUGH!!!!" I shout.

Well, that calmed everyone down. when Japan goes up and says that he's going to trade with new people, I was surprised. I was proud if him getting to know new people. soon the meeting is over and we are all going to out hotels. I see Italy get in his car and drive to the hotel me and Japan are staying at. I look at Japan and he looks happy. 'Vat is up vith him today?' I think. we go inside and up to our room. we see Italy go into a room down the hall. I ask Japan to go see what room number it was. he nods and goes. when he comes back he says that Italy's room is 205, our room is 214. we go into our room and decide to take nap. I have the bed in the right Nd Japan has the one on the left. we lay down and we fall asleep thinking about Italy.



ok so I don't know who p.o.v. to do next. Any ideas?

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