Poor italy

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I went home with Germany. when we got there I went strait to my room and packed my stuff in a suitcase. I was leaving tonight when everyone was asleep. 'I need to make my nation stronger' I think. 'I have to build a military and learn to fight Germany's always saying how weak I am time to prove him wrong and then maybe japan will love me if I don't rely in him so much.' ya that's a good plan. I stay in my room until dinner drawing pictures.

"ITALY DINNERS READY!" Germany yells up the stairs.

"Coming" I yell back.

I go downstairs and sit at the table. Germany made pasta but I'm not that hungry. it might be because this is the day that Holy Rome died or that I'm sad that I'm leaving or both. I think Germany's sorry for what e said earlier but Im not sure. I didn't eat very much and I saw Germany looking at me in concern.

"I'm done good night Germany" I say as I stand up.

"Good night Italy." he replies.

I go upstairs and get everything ready. all the necessary stuff is packed away into two bags. one for cloths and the other for supplies and whatever else I can fit in it.

And hour of so later I hear Germany come up the stairs and go into his room. 'good just a little longer' I think. around midnight Germany's finally asleep. I sneak out if my room with my stuff and down the stairs. I put it in the back of my car and start it. good thing my cars quiet or else Germany would have woken up. I drive to my house in North Italy. no one knows where this house is except maybe my brother Romano. I take my stuff inside and put it away. there are still things here from the last time I stayed here. and things from when I was young. I decide not to look at that now and just go to bed.



When I wake up in the morning I'm surprised to find that Italy wasn't sleeping in my bead again. how he gets through my locked door I will never know. I go to his room only to find it completely empty and almost bare. his cloths are gone from the closet. all his art and other things are gone. I panic. 'where is he' I think. JAPAN! I'll call japan. I run downstairs to the phone and dial Japan's number.

"Hello" he answers.

"Hey japan I have a problem." I say.

"What's wrong Germany-San?"

"Vell I can't find Italy I looked in his room but all his things are gone" I say.

There's a surprised silence. ThenThe

"Where do you think he could be." japan asks.

"I don't know call Romano and tell him he hates me I'll call Austria and Hungary and maybe France. they practically raised him." I reply.

"Ok all ask china and Greece and America. we'rr find him Germany-San don't worry." japan says, then he hangs up.

I hope we can find him. I need to apologize for what I said to him at the meeting if was uncalled for. I really hurt Italy with those words what kind if friend am I. I really need to make it up to him.

'Italy come home'




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