the world meeting

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its been two weeks since I have left Germany and Japan. I wonder if they are looking for me. I think Romano is, he's called my phone but I never answer. I talked to my boss earlier and he agrees that we need a military. I asked him not to tell the public or air it on the news. only the people of Italy must know. its been a few days since we created the military and I have already changed, in a good way. I and not so ditzy as I was before, a little more serious. I feel stronger and better than ever. the army has already grown twice the size it was before. it is also so much better.

leaving my thoughts I leave my room and go downstairs to make dinner. pasta of corse, I would never stop loving pasta. after dinner I sit down and watch a little TV. my phone rings and I look at it and its my boss. I pick it up.


"just letting you know there is a world meeting tomorrow and you have to go, it is in England." my boss tells me.

I sigh, I really don't want to go but I have to. "okay alright I will be there. what time does it start?" I ask.

"it starts a 12:00PM  and ends at 3:00PM. good bye my boss says and hangs up.

great, I have to go and see everyone tomorrow. might as well leave tonight. I call a private plane and book a flight in an hour. I pack some clothes and other stuff I will need. I leave for the airport. when I get there, there is ten minutes till my flight. I get ready and go on the plane. fifteen minutes later we are taking off and on our way to England.

_____________________-time skip-___________________

I and finally in England. it is about midnight. I go find a hotel near the meeting place and go to sleep. when I wake up its 10:00 in the morning.  I get ready for the meeting and ear a late breakfast. when I get into the taxi to get to the meeting its 11:15. forty-five minutes till the meeting. when I get there I am thirty minutes early. I go and sit down in my seat waiting for people to show up. for once I am the first one here. ten silent minutes later England shows up. he looks around and sees me sitting in my seat. he looks surprised.

"hello Italy your here early." he says.

"ya I guess I am. the quiets nice." I reply.

"that it is." England says.

he goes to his seat and starts getting ready for the meeting. I guess I should to. I get my stuff out and organize it. by the time I was done France and Canada had arrived. I got up and decided to talk to Canada. he is one of my best friends and I haven't talked to him in a while.

"hello Canada." I say.

he turns around and smiles at me. "oh Italy hello. where have you been. I have been worried. a lot of countries have been looking fore you. especially Romano." he says.

I feel bad. I didn't want Canada, or any country, to worry about me. they are my friends.

"I am fine don't worry about me." I say.

Canada nods slowly. " ok. so how have you been?"

"I have been great." I reply,

"good well the meeting starts in ten minutes see you later." Canada says.

I wave and walk back to my seat. it was then that I realized that my seat was by Germany and Japan. 'I don't want to sit by them. I am not ready yet!' I think.

I go over to England. "can I switch seats with America today?" I ask.

he looks at me surprised but nods. I switch the nametags and sit by England and France's seat. just then China, America and Russia walk in.

"wow America your on time this time." England says

"ya well Canada woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep so...." America says, shrugging.

"your here early ....Aru." China says.

I nod. I look at the clock and realize that the meeting starts in five minutes. the countries start flooding the room and sitting in their seats. America looks around confused. "umm dude, England, where's my seat?"

"oh your by Germany and Japan today." England replies.

America nods and sits by Germany. Germany looks up expecting me but sees America. he looks confused as does Japan. they look around the room and see me sitting by England. he looks shocked. Japan looks confused and hurt. I feel guilty, I don't want to hurt them. I look away as England start talking. I actually pay attention this time. an hour and a half later its break time. I stand up and start to walk over to Canada but Germany blocks my path.

"hello Italy."

"ciao." I reply.

"how have you been?" he asks.

"I have been fine. now could you please move?" I say.

Germany stares and then reluctantly moves. I walk over to Canada and we begin to talk. somehow we got into a debate about pancakes and which were better. chocolate chip of blueberry. after thirty minutes its time to continue the meeting. now that everyone is happy and content the BTT decide its time to bother some people. Prussia is annoying Austrian and Hungary to no extent. Spain is trying to hug Romano, which ends in a lot of swearing and tomatoes. and France is just annoying everybody. all this results in some fights. after fifteen minutes I an getting tired of it. I look at England who surprisingly isn't fighting with France.

"make then stop please." I say.

he nods and looks at Germany.

'ZAT IZ ENOUGH!!!!!!" Germany shouts.

everyone calms down and the meeting continues. soon its Japans turn to speak. when he is done talking I am surprised. he is coming out of isolation and trading with new people. still we couldn't get together. I am still to weak and dependent on people. just a little longer and I will be stronger. after the meeting is done I head to my car and drive to my hotel. when I get there I lay down and take a siesta.

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