Where are you italy?

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I haven't seen Italy in a while. me and Japan can't find him and we have looked everywhere. where could he be. Italy doesn't come over anymore and the house it quiet.


I jump at the sudden noise that was the phone. I get up and go get it hopping its Italy.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Romano what have you done with my brother!" he asks angrily.

"I don't know vere your brother is I haven't seen him and at least a veek." I reply.

"What about Japan?"

"He doesn't know either"

Romano swears then says "good bye" and hangs up swiftly.

I put the phone down and go sit on the couch. even Romano doesn't know where he is this is not good. where could he have gone that not even his brother know where he's at. I hey up and pick up the phone again and call Japan.

"Herro." Japan answers.

"It's Germany. I vas vondering. do you know vhere Italy is or have you found him yet?"

"No I haven't found him. i have rooked everywhere. it rike he's disappeared." japan replies.

"Oh. I miss him it's so quiet around here it's unnerving." I say.

"Ya I know the ferring werr I have to go good bye Germany-San."


Japan hangs up. another person who doesn't know where Italy is. Japan's right, it IS like he's disappeared.



I miss Italy. it's even a week since I have last seen him. even his brother Romano can't find him. he must have hidden well do Romano not to know. I have even asked Austria and Hungary if they knew and they didn't either. know one knows where he is at. I guess we have to wait till the next meeting for him to show up. if he will even show up.

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