vii. Bouncing Baby Bombshell

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Jack Frost. I couldn't believe it. My heart knew, the moment I laid eyes on him, who he was. Now that I knew for certain, I had a million questions, and yet all I could do was revel in the fact that he had looked for me. He had searched for me. My foolish mind begged me to think the impossible... That there was a certain romantic aspect about it. The more rational part of my mind insisted it was only because of our shared powers. Still, he hadn't said anything one way or the other. After our almost-moment in the carriage, I found myself looking at him to see him already looking at me. His eyes would flick away just as a smile lit up my face. I had little experience in the way of flirting, but this seemed like that was what it was. I had little time to ponder this, though, because the moment we returned to the castle I was bombarded by Anna.

"Kristoff hasn't come back yet," She blurted, eyes shining with tears. "And... Well, I really need to talk to you. Alone." She mumbled, and I knew she couldn't see Jack, so I wondered what exactly was wrong. I told her to meet me in her room, and as soon as she left I guided Jack to my own bedroom.

"Wait here, okay? I'll be right back." I smiled as I left, a gesture he returned. A peculiar feeling fluttered through my stomach, and I couldn't help but giggle. Walking across the hall, I opened Anna's door to find her sitting on her bed with her head between her hands. I glided over, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, don't cry. I'm sure everything will be okay... Kristoff will be home, safe and sound, before you know it." She looked up at me, tears running down her freckled cheeks.

"It's not even that... Elsa, I'm pregnant." She whispered, collapsing into tears again. As she cried, I felt like my whole world had started spinning. I knew I would hear these words at some point, but I never imagined I'd hear them this soon. Anna and Kristoff weren't even married yet! For any normal girl, it wouldn't be as big of a deal, but with Anna the entire kingdom would judge her. They'd look at her differently and question everything she ever did. They would question me, for letting something like this happen, as if I had any control over it. This was not good.

"Oh, no, Anna..." I said, the only words I was capable of forming. She stood up suddenly, pacing the floor and biting down on her lip so hard I wondered how she hadn't broken the skin.

"What am I going to do?! I can't have a baby. I'm not ready. I'm not even married yet! I can only imagine how Kristoff is going to take this. No, this isn't good at all. God, what have I done." She rambled, her voice rising higher and higher as hysteria set in. 

"No, Anna, calm down. We'll figure something out, okay? You'll be fine. Listen, just... Get some rest. All this stress can't be good for you right now. Sleep, and Kristoff will be home when you wake up, and we'll talk more when it's the three of us. Okay?" I said, hoping my advice sounded like I wasn't having a total meltdown on the inside. Anna sniffled, wrapping her arms tight around my waist.

"Please don't hate me for this." She begged. My heart broke that she would think me capable of such a feeling.

"Of course not, Anna. I could never." I whispered, kissing the top of her still wet hair and heading back to my bedroom. I sighed as I plopped down on the bed, momentarily forgetting their was someone else in my room.

"What happened?" Jack asked, and I practically leaped three feet in the air.

"Jesus, you scared me. Um, it was nothing. Just... Her fiance hasn't come back from his ice harvest yet. She's worried." I told a white lie. Well, omission wasn't really lying, right? He nodded. Again, my mind turned to that same thought; I was sitting with Jack Frost. The one person I had longed for for years. This was too good to be true.

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