xx. The Wedding

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As I laid down to sleep, I realized suddenly that the wedding was tomorrow. Tomorrow. I mean, of course, I knew it was tomorrow. Just it hadn't fully hit me until I was laying in bed. Suddenly, my stomach was full of energy and nerves, my eyes longing to shut and sleep but my mind keeping me up as I thought over every detail of the next day. Things were totally in place, the castle was going to be full, the celebration would last for days... And Jack still wasn't back. I mean, I barely knew him, I wasn't worried because he wasn't coming to my wedding; however, I was worried that he wouldn't be here to support Elsa. She would be full of emotions, overwhelmed, and I wanted her to be okay. I didn't want her to lose control, even though she assured me she would be fine. 

"Still up?" Kristoff asked, entering the room. He was having a sort of Bachelor's Party with Flynn, drinking and hanging out and I could smell brandy on his breath. He wasn't drunk, by any means, but he was awfully smiley.

"Yeah... I hope I don't have bags under my eyes tomorrow!" I exclaimed, suddenly worried about that. A million things could go wrong. My hair could look bad, my dress might not fit, or-

Kristoff interrupted my frantic thoughts with a kiss.

"You will be beautiful. Now, come on, let's get some sleep. Okay?" He asked, and I nodded. He slid into bed, snuggling me close. I fell asleep in an instant.


"Anna, up! Come on, come on, come on!" Elsa cried, shaking me. I sat up in bed, mouth dry as my eyes stayed shut.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled, laying back down in my sleep induced stupor. I heard Elsa groan.

"No! Come on, you have to get ready!" She almost shouted.

"Right. Ready for... the wedding," I murmured, "The wedding!" I cried, suddenly very awake. Elsa seemed glad I had decided to join the world at this ungodly hour and hugged me close before we started getting ready.

"I love you so much." She spoke into my messy hair, and I could hear her voice thick with tears.

"I love you too," I whispered. "Now, who's ready for a wedding?" I called out. We got straight to work.

Pushing me into an already steaming bath, Elsa instructed me to wash with a special shampoo and conditioner and then to meet her in my room. The bath was relaxing and I hated to leave, but I was running on a tight schedule! Wrapped in just a towel, I walked back to my room where my sister was waiting with Rapunzel for me to arrive. I was quickly hustled into my dress, not even given a moment to gape at my reflection before I was pushed onto a chair.

Rapunzel began brushing through my hair, chattering excitedly to herself about what to do with it. She gushed about the length, the volume, the silkiness... Everything hair could possibly have right about it, I apparently did.

Elsa sat delicately in front of me, tilting my head back and giving me short instructions as she expertly did my makeup. I never knew how she had learned all of her tricks, but she was the best makeup and hair stylist I knew, and I was very grateful for that. I would have been happy with a clean face and a simple plait, but Elsa liked dramatic and who was I to deny her of her passion?

Finally, they were done, and they lead me to my mirror. I stopped to look at myself, awestruck at the stranger in front of me.

My usual, relaxed self was clad in my beautiful dress, which still fit flawlessly, thank heavens. My strawberry-blonde hair was intricately braided and wrapped around my head, a few curled tendrils framing my face. My makeup was done to accentuate my blue eyes, making them pop. I looked stunning.

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