x. Slip-Up

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Hans lead me roughly from the castle, his guards dragging Kristoff behind us. I could hear the pattering feet and gasping breaths of someone running behind us, struggling to keep up with Hans' long strides. I was certain he heard it as well, but he didn't stop to even glance over his shoulder at the runner. Finally, he pulled me into a carriage, sending Kristoff into another. When I could finally see the person who had been following us, I realized it was Rapunzel. Hans stared at her intently for a moment, and I hoped he would just leave her be.

"A friend of yours?" He asked, a wicked gleam in his eyes. I fought against his strong grip on my arm, trying somehow to warn Rapunzel. It was too late; he had signaled for her capture and she was lead to the same carriage as Kristoff. I didn't know what was going to happen to any of us, but I knew one thing.

"I hate you," I spat at the man who had single handedly cause most of my problems. Without him, I would never have known of Elsa's powers. The kingdom would never have fallen into the state of anarchy that it did. I would feel safe in the only home I had ever known. In the face of my passionate statement, he only laughed. It was a cold, humorless chuckle, made only at my expense.

"Oh, Anna, do you think I care how you or your pathetic sister feel about me? Give me two days, tops, and I won't have to worry about either of you ever again." He mused back at me, raising his eyebrows as he awaited my response.

"You're crazy, Elsa will have this taken care of. You underestimated both of us last time and what did you get?" I taunted him, pushing my luck but not caring. At any second he could snap and do more damage to me than I could ever imagine, yet something deep within me told me he wouldn't. "What you deserved." I answered my own question.

"You really don't get it, do you?" He asked, the anger fading from his eyes and being replaced by a look of intense vulnerability and a deep, deep sadness. I stared into the eyes I had once fallen in love with, sinking deep within their shine as if it were the first time we met. "I want much more than the throne of Arendelle. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not heartless." He said, voice dropping so low I had to lean close to hear him.

As I was about to scoff and come back at him with some comment, it died on my lips. It would have lived, if he hadn't pressed his to mine. I was reminded of the day I was freezing to death, begging him to just kiss me once and save my life. He had refused then, when my life was on the line, and yet when he finally did it didn't feel any different than I had imagined. There were fireworks like I had expected, his mouth soft against mine, and I kissed him back for a second before realizing what was happening. I pulled back, a gasp escaping my swollen lips.

"Hans, what..." I couldn't continue, the gravity of the situation pushing down, hard, on my mind. "I love Kristoff. You have me prisoner, my sister locked in her own dungeon and you insult me by kissing me? Even after I begged you to kiss me before, pleaded with you to save my life, you kiss me now?" I demanded of him, a flurry of emotions flying through my mind. I got the feeling that if I had powers like Elsa's it would be a repeat of last summer all over again. 

"No, Anna, you don't get it. I thought that I only wanted the throne, but I realized-" I had to cut him off.

"No, Hans, you don't get it. We can not be together, that ship... it's sailed. This," I pointed to the carriage behind us and then back at the two of us, "can not happen. You're just... You don't..." I couldn't finish, the words wouldn't come. He looked despairingly at me, mouth opening and closing in silence. I noticed how close we were still sitting and I scooted closer away. Still, the kiss and my words sat heavy in the silence, until he spoke.

"You've just made your life a whole lot harder." The cold was back in his eyes, the venom in his voice replacing the earlier sadness. I knew, deep down, that I should have just pretended to be okay with it, but I also knew I could never do that. I could never hurt Kristoff that way. I wondered when the carriage would stop, desperate to get some fresh air and to be away from Hans for even a second. I just wanted to be back with Kristoff, to wake up in his arms and have this all be a dream. And then I remembered the plan, the "lie" I was supposed to be telling. Taking a deep breath, I turned back to Hans.

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