xxi. Determination

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The wedding went off without a hitch, everything falling together perfectly. I watched my baby sister grow up in a single moment, a change unnoticeable to anyone but me. She wasn't mine anymore, she was Kristoff's. I finally understood why people cried at weddings.

Still, Jack hadn't returned, and I had no idea where he could be or why he left. What had once seemed like a hopeful and bright future was rapidly falling, shrinking away into the darkness where I had spent years; disappearing into loneliness. The feeling was not one I would wish upon my worst enemy. I tried to keep a smile on my face, but tears from the wedding and tears from Jack's rejection were mingling on my cheeks and the struggle was very real.

"She'll be okay," The king of Corona told me, the first time we had spoken. "I worried about Rapunzel, too. He really loves her, though." He spoke, and I couldn't tell if he meant Flynn or Kristoff. It meant a lot that he was comforting me, meant more than he could really know.

"I know," I said, actually meaning it. I knew Kristoff would take care of Anna, but without her, who would take care of me?

Finally, the gates were closed and everyone left. Rapunzel and her family were departing in the morning, and all I had to do was get some sleep. Except, I couldn't. I couldn't sit around anymore and go insane without Jack. I had to do something, and I knew exactly what. I couldn't tell you what made me do it, but I knocked on the door of a nearby house after quietly leaving the castle. A woman answered the door, still dressed in her clothes from the party.

"Your majesty!" She exclaimed, probably surprised to see me. Of course she was, I rarely left the castle.

"Um, hi. Hello. Do you have," I stopped, realizing how incredibly odd the question I was about to ask was. "Do you have a child who lost a tooth today?" I wanted to laugh at the question. It was completely insane, and I wondered if I hadn't gone off the deep end already. Suddenly, a small ball of energy came bounding over, pushing past the woman in the doorway to see me.

"Yes! Me! I lost this toth," The little girl cried, pointing to her empty front tooth spot. She smiled, the gap adorably endearing and the missing tooth cupped in her small hand. "I'm Amelia." She said, grabbing my hand with her free one. She dragged me into her bedroom, and her mother followed behind us. "Wanna wait for the tooth fairy with me?" she asked.

"Now, Amelia, I'm sure Queen Elsa has important things to do," He mother scolded, deflating the small girl.

"Oh! No, actually, I was looking for Amelia. Is it alright if I help her wait for Tooth," I corrected myself, "The tooth fairy?" Her mother smiled, real happiness on her face.

"Absolutely!" She beamed, leaving the room. I sat in the small chair in Amelia's room, listening to her talk until suddenly it was quiet and I saw that she had fallen asleep. I smiled, walking over to gently tuck her in. She was very cute, with dark hair and freckles. That little missing tooth showed, her mouth partially open in sleep. My chest ached for the childhood I had never had, and I thought about Anna's baby. I knew I would spoil it, as I hadn't Anna. My thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing. Looking over, I saw one of the small birds that had accompanied Tooth the dy I met her.

"Hi," I whispered, scaring the little thing, "Sh, no it's okay. I'm with Jack... Can you help me find him?" I asked, and the little bird beamed at me. She quickly placed a gift under Amelia's pillow, motioning for me to follow her. "Oh, uh, I can't fly." I told her, and her shoulders drooped. Then, she beamed like she had gotten an idea. She flew out the window, and I thought she had deserted me before she returned quickly with about a hundred more little birds. They pulled me onto them, supporting my weight as we flew off into the night. This was nothing like I expected, flying, and I couldn't help but cry out in awe.

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