xxvi. Pleasant Surprises

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A few months went by, everything blissfully normal. I was six months in my pregnancy, Elsa and Jack were more and more in love every day, and Kristoff promised he would go on any ice harvests until the baby came. It actually seemed like everything was going to be okay. Of course, things never worked out that way.

It started early one morning, when I woke up in a lot of pain. My whole lower stomach felt like someone was stabbing me. Everyone I mentioned it to told me it was just some kind of pregnancy pain, but every instinct I had was screaming at me that this wasn't normal. I cried a lot, barely getting out of bed that entire day. I was beyond certain that I was losing the baby and I didn't know that I could handle that. Kristoff laid in bed with me, bringing me cups of hot tea and shushing me to sleep as I sobbed. I could see the fear and anger on his face, fear for me and anger for whatever forces were out there working against us in so many ways. I wished they would stop, because we just kept overcoming obstacles and I didn't see why we seemed to have to keep proving our love. 

As the day wore on, the pain only got worse. Around five o'clock, I went to the bathroom and started screaming. There was nothing I could do about it, there was just blood. It was everywhere, and I fell to the floor in a sobbing heap, my hands clutching my stomach as I struggled to breathe through my desperate tears. A doctor was summoned to the castle immediately, and I was knocked unconscious as everyone but Kristoff was sent out of the room. I had no clue what was going on, but I remember dreaming. My dream was vivid, so much so that it was scary. My mother stood at my bedside, holding my hand.

"Hang in there, my angel. Everything will be okay, don't worry," She comforted me, and it hurt my heart to wake up and remember that she had never been there at all. By that point, though, I had no tears left to cry. I had no idea how long I was asleep; it could have been hours or it could have been days. When  I woke up, though, the room was empty and the sun was shining too brightly through my curtains. I hoped Kristoff would be in bed next to me,but he wasn't and I just knew that my once large tummy was empty. Alone and positive I had failed at the one thing I had always dreamt of doing, I curled into a ball and cried harder than I had imagined possible. My throat hurt like I'd swallowed glass, my eyes burning and I was positive that I looked completely unrecognizable. By then, though, I didn't care.


I knew as soon as Anna told me what her stomach felt like that something was wrong. I didn't want to overreact, but I was scared, so scared. I felt the terror of it deep in my bones, the dread at just the thought that we would lose our child. I loved Anna, and I knew that losing the baby could hurt her physically but would destroy her emotionally. I knew without a doubt that this would be the last thing Anna could handle; if we lost the baby, she would never be the same. Elsa paced anxiously the whole day, worrying about what she should do. Moving Anna to the hospital could cause more risks, but would a doctor come out to the castle? When Anna started to bleed, the decision was easily made and Elsa summoned a doctor immediately. After that, things moved in a blur. 

Anna was put unconscious as the doctor began to try and save the baby. I knew the odds were against us; Anna was only six months pregnant and the baby was nowhere near ready to be born. Still, it wasn't impossible for it to survive. It had happened before. As the doctor worked I paced around the room, biting my ruined nails down to the quick and not stopping when they began to bleed. Anna lay there so peaceful that it unnerved me, the fact that she didn't know what was happening and the fact that I didn't know if she would be okay. Of course I was worried about the baby, but Anna was my main concern. She was so small and fragile and I shuddered to think what the loss of blood could do to her. 

Finally, hours later, the doctor turned to me as I heard a small cry fill the room.

"Mr. Bjorgman, you have a daughter." He spoke, and I felt a thousand pounds lift off my shoulders. He instructed me to cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the little girl, my little girl, in a tiny pink blanket. He handed her to me, a warm crying mass that I could only stare at in awe. She looked up at me, eyes as brilliantly blue as Anna's, and grabbed my finger in her tiny hand. I felt myself begin to cry, something I almost never did, as I stared at the beautiful girl in front of me. I had thought I could never love something as much as I loved Anna, but I was wrong. From the moment I had heard her cry, I knew this little girl had my heart. Quietly, I walked into the hallway and saw an anxiously waiting Jack and Elsa.

"Meet my daughter," I whispered, and they crowded around me and my little girl. Sensing I was reluctant to let her go, they didn't try to hold her. She had fallen asleep in my arms, her small chest rising and falling shallowly. She was small, too small for a newborn I was sure, but she seemed to be okay.

"You are incredibly lucky, sir. The chances of your daughter being healthy this early are extremely low, and honestly I didn't expect her to make it." The doctor told me, staring at the sleeping baby.

"And my wife? Will she be okay?" I asked, anxiety still coursing through me.

"She'll probably be a little weak, but she should be okay. I want her on bed rest for two weeks, though, so please keep her there. She could still have a lot of risks that aren't visible yet. The same goes for the baby." He told me, and I nodded. "If anything is wrong, even the smallest thing, call me. If that baby so much as sneezes too many times, I want to know about it." He ordered, and I nodded. I couldn't wait for Anna to meet our daughter...


I need your guys' help on their daughters name, 1 comment = 1 vote!




Alessandra? (:

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