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 Janu's Pov                      

                                  The man replied" im Sebastian parker, Im the manager of the princess Annie. The princess is sleeping on her room now." Abi replied " I saw in all the 4 rooms and no one was there and where is your princess sleeping then?" He said " you have seen just a part of the house and this is a very huge one.... for seeing the other part you should have special powers which can be given to u only by the princess. "

I was shocked and confused.... in my mind thoughts were like " I read that the princess suicided and she was dead, but now it seems like the princess is alive according to the the old man's statement. I asked in shock "Is the princess alive?" The old man laughs and asks " what do you mean by the word alive ms. Janu? "
Janu  " I.... I..." ritu cuts me off asking " She didn't tell her name till now, then how come your telling her name?" He answered "not only her name I know each and every one of your names and even I know why you came here" shivani asked "how? " in a confused look.

Sebastian : " Don't get confused my child... I know everything because of the powers given to me by the princess. "

Varshu : " so when can we see your princess sir?"

Sebastian : " at dinner time you all can meet her. Now go and take rest "

              All goes to seperate rooms I mean two in a room me and ritu were together. Annu and abi were together and varshu and shivani were together. 

             Me and ritu entered the room and as soon as we entered the room She fell asleep on one side of the bed as she was very tired driving the car. I was deep in my thoughts thinking about the Sebastian and the pricess. I was wondering " what all I read wasn't true everything were the opposite not even a little bit of what I read matched. So if the princess is alive we will meet her tonight during dinner. When I meet her I wanna get some powers from her and experience how the powers work and check whether what Mr . Sebastian parker said was true or not." I was eager to get the powers and was waiting for that night eagerly.

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