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Abi's Pov

                  We all reached the main door of the mansion and when janu was about to open the main door... there was a voice calling " miss. Janu ". We all turned back and we saw Mr. Sebastian parker standing there....

                  He asked "where are you girls going?" I replied " we are going back to our house..."

Sebastian : "ohh.. why ? Aren't you all feeling comfortable here?"

Me: "we...."

Janu cut me off saying "we all have an important meeting in our office tomorrow and so we have to go now "

Sebastian : " okay... once your works are over please do visit this mansion again... Princess Annie will be waiting for you. "

Janu : "okay"

Mr. Sebastian parker gave a horrifying look to janu which she ignored very badly.... I was wondering "why is he giving such a look to janu and she ignored it as though Sebastian parker is not at all a human being...."

We all started our journey back to the house. Ritu was driving the car. Everyone were very silent. No one talked to eachother. Annu, varshu and janu were seeing outside the window where as shivani drifted off to sleep as soon as she entered the car. I was having a severe headache and I was lying my head back on the seat and was thinking " how happy we all started our journey and how sad we all are returning back. If we had gone to someother place we would have enjoyed a lot, but it was me who forced everyone to come here. " I was feeling guilty and a tear escaped from my eyes.

Meanwhile shivani woke up and broke the silence by asking " where are we...? "

Ritu replied "we have to travel all the way for 4 more hours "

Janu : " hey girls... I wanna talk to you all about one important issue. "

Ritu : " what is it ? "

Janu : " after going home we shall refresh,  eat well and then ill talk to you about it. "

Again there wss a dead silence inside the car.

Ritu stopped the car near a hotel and asked us to order food to take away home because we all were very tired so that after going home we can refresh ourselves and then have our food. As she said we all ordered our food and when it was ready we took those parcel bags and again started our journey home. Now annu was driving the car. 

As soon as we reached home we all went to our respective rooms and had a soothing hot water bath... we all refreshed and came back and ate our food watching tv..

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