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once home, a ray of sunshine beamed at your arrival.

taehyung was already standing out in the rain, hair slick on his forehead and droplets racing down the curve of his nose bridge, raincoat over his shoulders but not zipped.

and when his lips turn up you couldn't help but notice how moist they appeared to be.

walking out to the car he leans over the open car window, wet arm stretched out to fix your  humidity stricken hair, the smell of rain water now filling your nose.

"It felt like ten forevers without you today, the rain is too perfect for us not to dance in it," his lips crease in a pout, huffing as a child would.

"after all I was hoping we'd get...wet together." his teeth sunk into the flesh of his bottom lip, shoulders shaking as his laughter gives you a tingle in your spine.

jimin rolled his eyes, stepping out of the car."as thirst quenching as that sounds, I actually need rita for something."

scrunching his nose, taehyung looks from jimin to you,"I guess we'll have to dance some other time, until then I supposed we'll have to settle for forbidden lovers."

tongue as swift as his movements, he winks and turns away; starting small conversation with seokjin as he steps out of the car.

meanwhile, jimin rests his hand on your knee, bringing your attention back to him. "why don't you go in and I'll draw a bath for you?"

"oh uh..okay," you almost made your answer sound like a question, clearing your throat you try again."yeah alright."

you step out of the car and walk through the lightened rain, afew drops hitting your clothes while stepping through the front door.

"hey, I'm home," faint voices filled the void in the main hall and you walk down to the kitchen, jungkook and hoseok seeming to be in a heated debate—both looming over the table but neither would take a seat.

jungkook slammed down his fist and you jump, clutching your heart. you then jumped a second time when hoseok throws his fist down almost immediately after.

were they that angry? what did you miss since going to work?

"stop picking rock all the damn time!"
jungkook threatened, resulting in a passively aggressive hoseok laughing.

"you keep picking rock too so don't blame me, only you could make this game go on so long."

your heart rate eased and you let go of the breath you were holding. they were playing a game—but why do guys have to be so intense?

still your lips found themselves lifting on one side and you sneak backwards, turning to walk in the living room when another sight stops you.

"why can't I just live huh? let me live my life, do you not hear the keyword? mine, my life. and I'm sick of them trying to guilt trip me by making you call so you can go back and—"

"ah yoongi why don't you come join the party?" a low voice tingled on the back of your neck.

"oh my gosh..." you yelped, startled by jungkook who stood just behind you, his arms crossed and lips no longer holding the grudging smile he had with hoseok.
and you had to wonder, how did he move so quickly?

yoongi turns in his seat, seeing you and jungkook. you were going to ask if everything was alright but the freckled male made a move first.

moving the phone away from his ear and hanging up, yoongi turns to give you that smile that makes you melt.

"ah sorry I guess I'm not much of a party animal today, and rita I didn't even hear you come in the door. you should've said something."

"no it's okay, if the call was impor—"

"are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat," yoongi cut you off with all casualty. pushing himself up and shoving his phone in his pocket.

before you could question it, jungkook cleared his throat."don't think too hard about it," his lips pull back and his nose twitches as a bunny's would. carefully he ruffles your hair. "after all, stress gives you wrinkles."

he lips hold back a slick laugh while pivoting and walking back to the kitchen, you couldn't even react to the comment when you were more intrigued by the fact that he actually talked to you.

you barely heard him speak a few words since being here, and hardly none of them were directed to you.

oddly enough, it made you feel special, you even closed your eyes to remember the feeling of his hand touching you. and you only opened your eyes when a softer voice started to speak.

"y'know he's not wrong about that stress thing," jimin stood off to the side, leaning against the wall before locking eyes."so shall we get started?"

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