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moon still lingering in the coolness of the night, crickets chirping and the odd absence of traffic sounds; this is what it felt like to wake up early.

rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you pull out the last of the food from the refrigerator. the table was now covered.

behind you, you feel the tingle of a breath and turn back to see seokjin rubbing his eyes also, hair pinned back into a lax ponytail.

"what are you doing?" he taps his finger against the leftover bowl of what looked like lasagna and you let the sound fade out before turning to him.

blinking, you pull out two small buds from your ears and raise your eyebrows.

"I asked what are you doing." he repeats with a low voice.

"just a little cleaning," you raise your shoulders as you continue on but were again stopped by another question.

"and what are you wearing?"

you drop your eyes to your attire, nothing but some simple sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a shirt with the jacket wrapped around your waist.

"nothing..just something for if I decide to take a walk."

"it's barely past midnight.."

you shrug him off as you do something you'd heavily regret at breakfast time. you threw all of your food into the trash, and not gonna lie; it hurt.

you weren't the type to do something so drastic, period.

as you mourned silently, seokjin stood and looked to the small calendar that hung on the kitchen entryway.

dragging a finger across the page before stopping and tapping on a single square date.

"chanyeol's dinner party is this weekend...would that happen to play a part in your sudden interest in physical activity and midnight cleaning?"

you forced a laugh with the sarcasm obvious. "no I just couldn't sleep and decided to try something new."

he nodded, yawning as he turned away from you and retreated back into the darkness that he had came from.

but you kept looking, waiting for him to come back."nothing? hm I thought all boyfriends came with an inspirational quote.."

you shrug. wasn't it obvious to him? of course you were doing this for the party. but why didn't he say anything else about it?

but it didn't matter, right now you were preparing to be strictly healthy, no candy, no junk, only fruits, vegetables and salads.

because as everyone knows:

nothing fattens up a person like a home cooked meal.

you sat in the lunch hall at work, purposely taking your break after everyone else went back to doing their jobs.

you had picked up a bacon sandwich, a fruit cup and a lemonade. eating with an unpleasant expression. not even a day had gone by and you were already back to eating the way you usually do.

beside you a chair creaks but you don't address it until you feel eyes on you. slowly you pivot your head to see seokjin with a geeky smile.

leaning over, he wipes mayonnaise from the corner of your mouth and you awkwardly turn your body away so he couldn't watch you chew.

"you decided to take care of yourself after all..good."

"don't get too happy. I didn't decide to take care of myself—I lack self control and couldn't keep myself from eating all of this junk.

"or you lack the will to starve yourself—just depends on how you look at it so don't beat yourself up. you can eat healthy without being so...you."

"excuse me?"

"I told you once and I'll tell you again, you're so moody all the time. you go from one extreme to another."

"...I feel like I should be insulted."

"don't be. but better yet why don't you let me show you how to live healthier as you call it but without the extreme fridge emptying and dramatics."

you turn back to him, raising an eyebrow. he didn't look like the type who could pass for a fitness coach..but then again he was pretty lean. "fine."

"first you have to have a healthy mindset about this entire thing. don't try to quickly lose eighty pounds in a week and suddenly quit eating all of your favorite foods just so you can impress some people you don't even know."

"I've heard this before on every fitness website I've ever seen—I need to want it for myself." you mumble as you take another bite.

sometimes you liked to imagine what it was like when people had to go hunt for food.

"then why aren't you doing that?"

"because.." you pause, shaking your head as you try to form your words.

"I don't know I'm okay with being squishy and not lean or having six rows of abs and stuff–I just feel like I have something I need to live up to because I was chanyeol's ex. I don't want to look bad for either of us."

"explain." seokjin rested an elbow on the table, resting on it.

"if I look bad it looks like he has bad taste, or people might not take me seriously with the boyfriend presentation because I don't look kept enough."

"if you look good they'll treat you better?"

"yes..at least to my face. trust me seokjin I know how people from gangnam are.  I know they'll still judge me but at least they'll do it behind my back and not hurt me–I'm just trying to protect my sensitive heart here."

seokjin sucking on the inside of his cheek, glancing up at the clock on the wall.

"okay. I'll help you with your fitness thing. just go buy some groceries for tonight and I'll show you how to cook a good healthy meal."



and as you both agreed on this goal you felt somewhat bad. you kind of wanted him to talk you out of it.

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