I write a letter to Mother, letting her know that I had been sorted into Slytherin. She wouldn't have to throw me out. I never hear back from her, though.
The first couple weeks go by quickly. I find all of my classes pretty enjoyable, especially Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin. He's one of the only teachers who doesn't seem to be judging me based on my heritage. He just accepts me and treats me like all of his other students. This surprises me, given his reaction to my sorting, but I never question him about it.
Millie, Evelyn, Maisie, and Georgia. Those are the four other girls in my dorm room. They don't talk to me, and they get strangely silent when I walk in. I try to just ignore them.
A few weeks into the year, I enter Professor Lupin's classroom to find a wardrobe shuddering and shaking. The professor explains to us that it is a boggart, a creature who will take the form of our greatest fears.
"Luckily," he tells us, "there is a fairly simple charm to dispel a boggart. But, what really kills it, is laughter. To use this charm, you must think of something that truly amuses you, and say, Riddikulus."
"Riddikulus," we repeat back to the professor.
"Good," he praises. "Now, who wants to try it first?"
Everyone takes a large step back. Well, everyone except me, who apparently didn't get the memo. First years. Scaredy cats. And we're supposed to be Slytherins and Gryffindors!
"Well, Ms. Zuben, it would seem your mind has been made up for you," Professor Lupin chuckles. "Don't be shy."
I sigh and step forward, holding my wand up. I already know what I will see, but that really doesn't prepare me for when Uncle Lucius Malfoy steps out of the wardrobe, cane in hand, glare focused on me. I take a small step back, shaking ever so slightly as he draws his wand.
"Stand strong," Professor Lupin reminds me gently. "Think of something funny."
I let out a breath and steel myself. "Riddikulus," I say, and suddenly Uncle Lucius is wearing a sparkly pink dress and a tiara, and his cane has turned into a balloon.
I can't help but laugh, and the whole class joins me. Even Professor Lupin is laughing.
I watch as my classmates run up to take their turns. Maisie, from my room, is afraid of bears. Georgia, of rats. Millie, of centaurs. Evelyn never goes up, and instead leans against a wall at the back of the class.
When we leave, it's time to go to lunch. Chicken and pumpkin juice, which I find I have a liking for. As we eat, the owls delivering mail come in, dropping letters to various students. Everyone freezes, however, when a howler lands in front of Professor Dumbledore. Something about the hush that falls over the Great Hall tells me this is a rare, if not completely unnatural, occurrence. With a strange look, he opens it. Immediately, the letter begins screaming in an older woman's voice.
"Dumbledore! I cannot believe the kind of people you take in to your school! The daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange? Have you forgotten what her mother did to my grandson's parents! Alice and Frank are still in St. Mungo's to this day! It's just a matter of time before that girl turns out just like her mother!"
The letter turns towards the Gryffindor table and says, in a calmer tone, "Hello there, Neville, dear. Write to me how classes are going!"
The howler burns to ashes. Everyone is staring at me. A boy at Gryffindor table is red in the face, and seems terribly upset. He must be Neville Longbottom.
"Zuben?" I hear Draco ask. He's standing behind me. "Are you ok?"
With tears in my eyes, I push Draco aside and run from the Great Hall. I find myself sitting on the edge of the lake. I pull my knees to my chest, and bury my face in them as I cry.
Suddenly, something large is pushing it's way under my arm. Startled, I instinctively transform into my chameleon form. A large black dog looks at me in shock, his face close to my tiny, shaking form. He appears underfed and his fur is matted.
I change back, no longer worried, and the dog continues to push on me. "Get off. I don't want to pet you," I tell the dog, but it just lays it's upper body in my lap. I sigh and wipe my tears away. "Fine. But what are you doing here, anyway? You're obviously not Hagrid's, in this condition."
The dog rolls his eyes at me, and I give a small chuckle.
"Y'know, Mother would hate this," I tell him. "Me being around a dog. All the better reason for us to be friends, right? If you don't decide to hate me, too. Everyone else does. Well, except for Hermione, and maybe Harry and Ron. Just because my mother is Bellatrix Lestrange."
The dog suddenly sits up straight, looking at me. Tears return to my eyes.
"See, even you know she's awful," I cry. "You can leave if you want. I'm used to it."
The dog watches me for another moment, before surprising me. He puts his nose to my cheek. I take this as meaning he doesn't care who my mother is. I throw my arms around the dog's neck.
"Zuben!" I hear Draco calling. The dog's ears perk up, and he growls at my cousin.
"It's ok, boy," I tell the dog. "This is my cousin, Draco." The dog relaxes a little, and Draco sits beside me.
"I see you've made a new friend," Draco smirks. "I was worried when I saw you had come to the lake. Last time you and I were on a lake, it didn't go so well."
I shiver at the memory. "No need to remind me," I mutter.
The dog cocks his head and makes a questioning sound. I look at him and give a dry chuckle.
"I was almost drowned, his hair caught on fire, and I was punished for it," I briefly explain.
"Ok, my hair catching fire was your fault," Draco points out. "But you were more than punished for it. Aunt Bellatrix used an Unforgivable on you!"
"Trust me, Dra, I remember," I answer.
I see a tear leak from the dog's eye. I rub his head, wondering why this stray dog cares, and how he even understands our words.
"It's ok, boy. I'm fine," I say in a reassuring tone.
"You know, dogs aren't allowed in the castle," Draco reminds me.
"I know," I reply. "I just kind of feel bad for him. I mean, look how underfed he is!"
"He's a dog," Draco says flatly. "Dogs are hunters. He'll find something to eat. Now, you better get to class before Snape gives you detention."
"What about you?" I ask. "Don't you have Care of Magical Creatures? Don't die. I hear Hagrid's gone and found a hippogriff."

Black and White
FanfictionZubeneschamali Lestrange, or Zuben, just isn't like the rest of her family. She doesn't think being a pureblood makes her better than muggleborns, or even muggles themselves. She doesn't want to hurt or cheat people, and she definitely doesn't want...