In our first official gathering of Dumbledore's Army, we all line up in two rows before a wooden statue that moves by itself, holding a "wand". Neville goes first to attempt to disarm the statue. His attempt backfires, however, nearly beheading us all.
"I'm hopeless," Neville mutters.
"You're just flourishing your wand too much," Harry corrects. "Try it like this."
He demonstrates the spell, Expelliarmus, and disarms the statue.
In another lesson, Harry tells us, "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's a wizard's bread and butter, really, so... Come on, then, Lucy. Give it your best shot."
He stands across from me, opening his arms wide.
"At... at you?" I ask nervously, kind of afraid I might hit the mirrors behind him and stun myself.
"At me," Harry smiles encouragingly.
Taking a deep breath, I point my wand. "Stupefy!" I yell, and Harry flies back into the mirrors, then falls to the floor. "Sorry!" I yelp, but the rest of the class is laughing.
"W-well done, Luce," Harry gasps, getting to his feet. "Not bad at all."
Next, we see Ron and Hermione face off.
"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Ron tells her.
"Thanks, Ron," she smiles knowingly.
"Come on, Ron," the twins cheer.
"You've got this, 'Mione," I grin.
"One sickle," George bets Fred over my head.
"You're on," Fred grins.
"Stupefy!" Hermione yells before Ron even finishes lifting his wand, sending the boy flying back.
George reluctantly hands over the sickle.
"Thank you," Fred smiles.
"Shut up," George groans.
"I let her do that," Ron tells us, trying to save his pride as Fred crosses his arms. "It's good manners, isn't it?"
Fred nods, and we all look over to Hermione, who is laughing victoriously with a group of girls.
Next, we learn to levitate people with Levicorpus. Mostly, we levitate Nigel, the first year boy from Gryffindor.
The day after we learn to stun and levitate each other, Educational Decree Number 82 goes up. "All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities."
Dear Lucy,
I'm required to say this, so: Be careful. We've heard rumors that Umbridge is using Veritiserum on students now, not just her blood quills. I've never met the woman, and I already hate her. Everything is going as usual at home. 'Mom and Dad' are fighting. Oh, and this is a secret, but I think Remus may like me, too. Anyway, the dog really misses you.
Your favorite metamorphmagus,
One after another, people begin reporting getting questioned by Umbridge about a secret society within the student body. At this point, I can only wait for my turn.
Then I'm distracted as Fred and George pull me aside.
"We need a girl's handwriting," Fred tells me.

Black and White
FanfictionZubeneschamali Lestrange, or Zuben, just isn't like the rest of her family. She doesn't think being a pureblood makes her better than muggleborns, or even muggles themselves. She doesn't want to hurt or cheat people, and she definitely doesn't want...