The day of Harry's hearing arrives.
"You'll be fine, Harry," I tell him. "They can't possibly expell you for self-defence. It was a bloody dementor!"
When Harry and Mr. Weasley return, we are all grateful to hear that Harry has been cleared of all charges. That night, however, things change ever so slightly when Dumbledore arrives for a meeting. He doesn't speak to any of us children, but as the door to the meeting room closes, I see Professor Snape whispering to the headmaster. Minutes later, as I'm sitting with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the twins, Tonks comes in.
"Lucy?" she asks. "Dumbledore wants you to join the meeting. I don't know why."
I nod and follow her. She may not know why, but I do. She leads me into the meeting and I sit between her and my dad, across from Lupin, in a kitchen chair. I pull my knees to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible as everyone stares curiously at me.
"Honestly, Dumbledore," Mrs. Weasley is saying. "She's just a girl, she's too young to be worrying about this kind of thing."
"Miss Black," Dumbledore speaks gently, ignoring Mrs. Weasley for the time being. "Severus has told me a little of what has happened to you this summer... Dear, would you show us your arm?"
This is it. They will see it and cast me out. I'm a goner. But... Snape has the mark, too. I meet my dad's eyes, and he seems concerned. Worried. Only Dumbledore and Snape know for certain. I feel tears prickle behind my eyes as I pull up both the hoodie and shirt sleeves to reveal the Dark Mark on my arm. Gasps fill the room, and Tonks puts a hand on my shoulder.
"I didn't want to," I say, failing to hold in my tears. "Th-they made me. I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice."
My dad stares at my arm, face pale, before pulling me to him, holding me tight.
"Lucy, why didn't you tell me?" he asks softly as I bury my face in his shirt.
"We know you were not given a choice," Dumbledore assures me. "Severus has told me about Bellatrix, and what she did to you. Do not worry, dear. While you are here, you are safe. But I must ask, have you shown anyone else?"
"N-no, sir," I reply, yanking my sleeve back down. "No one."
"You do not have to tell your friends, Lucida," Dumbledore tells me. "But if you wish to, I suggest the sooner the better. Things will get worse in the world before they get better. You may go back to your room, now."
I nod and leave the room. I know that as soon as I enter the 'kids' room I will be bombarded with questions.
"Why do you get called in, but none of us?" Harry asks. "You're the youngest one here!"
"Relax, Harry," Hermione orders. "I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation. Besides, she was barely gone five minutes."
I sigh. Well, the adults already know, so I suppose it's just a matter of time.
"Don't jump to conclusions," I beg, then pull up my sleeves again. They all gasp and stare.
"You're a Death Eater?" Harry asks. "You're working with him, now?"
"If I was truly working with him, why would I be here?" I defend.
"You have his mark!" Ron accusses. "Sorry if that makes us reconsider trusting you."
"You don't understand, I didn't have a choice!" I practically shout. Lowering my voice, I turn to the one person who might understand. "Harry, you've felt the Cruciatus Curse. Imagine the woman you thought was your mother torturing you, over and over, every day, until you think maybe pretending is the only way to stop the pain. So I said yes, hoping that Dumbledore would let me be a double agent, like Snape. It was either try to do something right, or die. I didn't have another option."

Black and White
FanfictionZubeneschamali Lestrange, or Zuben, just isn't like the rest of her family. She doesn't think being a pureblood makes her better than muggleborns, or even muggles themselves. She doesn't want to hurt or cheat people, and she definitely doesn't want...