Zubeneschamali Lestrange, or Zuben, just isn't like the rest of her family. She doesn't think being a pureblood makes her better than muggleborns, or even muggles themselves. She doesn't want to hurt or cheat people, and she definitely doesn't want...
Days later, we're all back at the Burrow, including Lupin, Tonks, the twins, and Bill and his fianceé, Fleur, from the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The only Weasleys not present are Percy, who is working for the Ministry, and Charlie, a dragon trainer I've yet to meet.
"Lucy!" the twins shout, grabbing me up in a hug as soon as they see me, lifting my feet from the floor.
Laughing, I hug them back tightly. I needed some time with close friends. I choose to ignore the smell of chocolate, cherries, and dungbombs.
"It's good to see you're doing better," Bill smiles, shaking my hand.
"All thanks to your mum," I answer. "Have you broken any new curses?"
Bill grins, then launches into a story about leprechauns in Egypt, and an ancient tomb that makes my skin crawl.
When I finally make my way over to Tonks, I pull her aside.
"I realized I never told you," I say awkwardly. "I'm really sorry about breaking your nose, back at the Ministry."
Tonks smiles and pulls me into her arms. "It's ok," she tells me. "I don't blame you. Besides, it gave the lone wolf over there a reason to worry about me." She wiggles her eyebrows, and I snort. "We're together, by the way."
Lupin looks over at us, as if he heard her, and I realize he might have. The full moon, and Christmas, are only a couple days away. Tonks winks suggestively at him, and he turns red, before going back to his conversation with Harry and Mr. Weasley.
"Lucy, come on," Fred calls, waving me over to sit with him, George, Bill, and Fleur. "Come help us make the Christmas crackers!"
I join them, and we wrap tons of hats and small toys, and a few pranks, pulling some as we go. Bill, Fleur, and the twins do the magic part on the ones that require it, as I'm still underage. Fred has me pull a cracker with him, and I let out a shrill yelp as a rubber snake flops into my lap. They laugh hysterically as I whack Fred over the head with the snake.
I spend most of the next couple days with the twins, as we play pranks on each other, and tell everything that's happened to us since the summer. They've had lots of interesting customers to tell me about. But it isn't until Christmas morning when things begin to change.
Like normal, I'm one of the first awake. Quickly, I write two "Merry Christmas" notes; one for Draco, and one for Snape, sending them out with the Weasley's owl.
Tiptoeing down to the living room, I don't expect to see Fred, but he's there, sitting on the couch. A little embarrassed, I pull my night robe a little tighter around me.
"Good morning," Fred greets, motioning for me to sit with him. I do, and he turns to face me.
"Is everything alright, Fred?" I ask, nervous at his serious expression.
He nods. "I just wanted to give you your present before the others wake up." I'm confused for a moment, until he raises his wand, and a green plant with red berries materializes over our heads.
"Mistletoe?" I ask, recognizing it mainly from my Muggle Studies class.
Fred leans in close to me, until his lips are by my ear, whispering softly, "If I'm going too fast, just say the word, and I'll stop. I know I'm a few years older than you, but I really do like you, Luce. More than like, I think. And with this war starting, I'm not sure I can afford to wait before expressing my feelings for you. People are disappearing every day, and I want you to know before we're one of them. I love you, Lucy."
He pulls away, just enough so that he can look me in the eyes, before using one hand to tilt my chin up, his other tangling in my short, unruly hair. And he kisses me. It's gentle, and soft, and tastes like cherry.
"I love you, too," I mumble against his lips, before kissing back.
When he pulls away, allowing me to catch my breathe again, he holds out a small box.
"I think that was present enough," I say breathlessly.
"Just open it," he chuckles, placing it in my small hands.
I do, and inside is a tiny ring, just big enough to fit on my pinkie finger. A little silver star with a moonstone in it decorates it.
"It's beautiful," I gasp, carefully slipping it on my right pinkie.
"You're the brightest star in my life," Fred smiles. "And yes, I know that's literally the meaning of your name. But, with this ring, I promise to take things at whatever pace you're comfortable with, and that I will always love you."
I giggle a little, before pulling Fred to me for another kiss.
Then, we hear someone clear their throat, looking up to see Bill, George, and Harry at the bottom of the stairs. Harry's jaw hangs open.
"Are we interrupting something?" Bill smirks, as George let's out a wolf whistle.
"Oi, Fred, that's my godsister you were just snogging," Harry reminds, but his goofy grin tells me he's happy for us.
My face turning a brilliant shade of red, I bury it in Fred's pajama shirt as he throws a couch cushion at his brothers and Harry.
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Throughout the day, everyone opens their gifts from each other and pops crackers. No one says anything about how Fred and I sit a little closer together than usual, but by the gleam in Tonks' eyes, and the way Ginny keeps smirking, they at least know something is up.
My sweater this year is a bright purple, with a silver "L" on it, courtesy of Mrs. Weasley. Harry gives me a large box of sugar quills, while Tonks and Lupin present me with a book of poetry about magical creatures.
I hand Fred his box from me, saying, "It's not as great as your present was..."
Fred grins anyway, tearing it open to reveal a small pile of chocolate frogs and a muggle pen. He hugs me to his side, kissing my temple quickly.
"I love it," he assures me. Then, to everyone, "Now, come on, Mum's prepared a glorious feast! Let's dig in!"
Everyone cheers, gathering in the crowded kitchen.