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Back to Lucy's POV

The next time I wake, curled up in the adjacent bed, Draco is dressed and there is thunder outside.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Draco jumps, startled. Fear is written across his face. "Go back to sleep," he orders. "I just need some fresh air. It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," I say, sitting up and straightening my robes. "It's time, isn't it?"

Draco doesn't answer. Instead, he just walks away. Sighing, I pause only a moment before I get up, too. But by the time I leave the hospital wing, I have no idea where my cousin has gone.

Worried, I run to the Astronomy Tower. On the way up, I see Harry, but he puts his finger to his lips. When I reach the top, Draco has his wand trained on Dumbledore.

"Welcome, Lucida," Dumbledore greets, his voice calm. Then, he looks back to my cousin. "Draco, you are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am?" Draco asks. "I've done things that would shock you!"

"Cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return, she would bear a cursed necklace to me," Dumbledore answers. "Doing nearly the same to Luna Lovegood. Replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison. Forgive me, Draco, I can't help perceive these actions as so weak, you can't have really meant them."

"He chose me," Draco snaps, showing the Dark Mark on his arm. "I was chosen."

"Then I shall make it easier for you," Dumbledore answers, holding out his wand.

"Expeliamus!" Draco shouts, disarming the headmaster.

"Very good, very good," Dumbledore praises, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Draco, you don't have to do this," I say softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

A door opens somewhere below. "You're not alone," Dumbledore states. "There are others. How?"

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement," Draco answers. "I have been mending it."

"Yes," Dumbledore nods. "It has a sister. A twin."

"In Borgin and Burke's," Draco finishes. "They form a passage."

"Ingenious," Dumbledore praises. "Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you."

"I don't want your help," Draco snaps, his voice breaking. "Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you, or he's gonna kill me. And Mum."

The footsteps reach us. "Well, look what we have here," Bellatrix says. She grabs me and pushes me to Fenrir Greyback, who holds me still. "Well done, Draco." She kisses my cousin's cheek.

"Good evening, Bellatrix," Dumbledore greets. "I think introductions are in order, don't you?"

"Love to, Albus," Bellatrix smirks. "But I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule. Do it, Draco."

"He doesn't have the stomach," Greyback grins, baring his fangs as he runs his claws through my short hair. "Just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way."

"No!" Bellatrix answers quickly. "The Dark Lord was clear the boy must do it. Go on, Draco. This is your moment. NOW!"

Draco is crying, and my heart is breaking for him.

"Draco, this isn't you!" I call, but flinch back as Bellatrix points her wand at me. A shiver passes through me as Fenrir runs a claw slowly across the back of my neck.

"No," Snape says, stepping onto the platform, surveying the situation. The room falls silent.

"Severus," Dumbledore says. "Please."

"Avada Kedavra," Snape says, lifting his wand.

A bright green flash pierces Dumbledore's chest, and he falls backwards out the window of the Astronomy Tower. Bellatrix throws the Dark Mark into the sky with a laugh. Turning, Snape takes Draco's shoulder and pulls me away from Fenrir, pushing us in front of him to descend the Tower's steps. We keep walking, eventually passing through the Great Hall. I latch onto Draco's arm as Bellatrix destroys all the glass in the Hall, the floating candles extinguishing.

The first place I ever really felt safe. And now it's gone.

We keep going, walking towards Hagrid's hut, and the Forbidden Forest.

"Snape!" I hear Harry yelling. "He trusted you!"

Draco and I turn back to watch. That's when Bellatrix lights the hut on fire, jumping with joy and cackling.

"Go on!" Snape yells at us.

Bellatrix wraps an arm around Draco and disapparates. I intend to wait for my uncle, or make a run for it with Harry, but Fenrir grabs me, pulling me close to him and disapparating us as well.

When I open my eyes, I immediately recognize Malfoy Manor. I can see Aunt Narcissa hugging Draco. Then, my view is blocked as Fenrir pushes me back against the wall, leaning in close to me and sniffing my neck. I whimper and try to pull away, but his tight grip on my arm holds me in place. Then, with another crack, a wand is placed against Fenrir's throat.

"Step away from my niece before I kill you where you stand, Greyback," Snape orders, his tone deadly.

Fenrir smirks at me, then pulls away, stalking off. Snape looks between Draco and I, motioning for us to go upstairs. Draco gently takes my arm and pulls me away, up to his room. Once there, I sit at his desk and pull out my InvisiQuill and some parchment. As I start to write, Draco stares.

"Don't you need some ink?" he asks, composing himself.

"You can't see it because it isn't meant for you," I explain.

Draco looks at the ring on my finger, then nods understanding. He busies himself by readying Athena.

Dearest Fred,

Dumbledore is dead. Hogwarts is no longer safe. I am back at Malfoy Manor for the time being. Hopefully I will see you soon. If I don't make Bill and Fleur's wedding, wish them the best for me. All my love.

Your Lucy

Athena takes the frost-covered letter, flying off into the night. Seconds later, the door opens. There stands Aunt Narcissa.

"It's time," she tells us. "He expects you both to report the year's events."

So, as Draco tells of fixing the cabinet, and Dumbledore's death, I explain that I still have Harry Potter's full trust and confidence.

"And what is that on your hand, Lucida?" Voldemort asks finally, inspecting the ring from Fred, and I can feel him invading my mind. "A promise ring? A promise to always love you?" He laughs.

My eyes closed, I lie, "I accepted it to keep Harry's trust. He trusts the one's the Weasley's trust. By accepting the ring from... from Fred, I ensured that Harry wouldn't doubt me."

"I see," Voldemort says, but I can tell he knows I truly have feelings for Fred. He looks between Draco and I. "Keep up the good work, children," he commands, though it honestly feels like a threat.

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