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(The media photo is my prom outfit. Hope you like it! Anyway, I personally love the dress (duh), so that is the dress Lucy is wearing later in this chapter.)

A few days of avoiding Draco at all costs later, Harry approaches me again, in the library.

"So, um, Lucy," he begins awkwardly. "There's this dance, for Professor Slughorn's club, and I'm, I was wondering if you would, you know..."

I smirk a little. "If I would...?" I ask.

Harry sighs. "You're not making this any easier, Luce," he tells me. "I was wondering if you would go with me? As friends, of course. Not-"

"I know you like Ginny," I smile, placing a hand on his arm, laughing. "Besides, going with me is the equivalent of taking your sister, isn't it? But yes, if you want me there, I'll go."

"Great," Harry answers, face red. "I'll pick you up outside your Common Room this Saturday, seven o'clock."

"Sounds good," I say, taking a book on muggle maths. "So, do I need to wear a dress for said dance?"

"Probably," Harry replies. "Um, if you want to that is."

"Alright, alright, stop pressuring me," I tease. "Wear a dark blue tie. I'm sure Hermione can help you figure it out."

So, the following Saturday, I put on my best formal dress and color my lips. I wear the compass necklace from Dad, though the 'N' fell off the moment he slipped through the veil. I force away the tears that come at the memory, and, taking a deep breath, slip through the portrait hole to see my godbrother waiting for me.

"You look beautiful, Lucy," Harry smiles.

"And you look very handsome," I grin up at him, taking his arm as we begin walking. "I only wish these heels made me a little taller..."

"It wouldn't be natural if you weren't so much shorter than me," he laughs. "Sorry," he mutters after I stomp on his foot.

As soon as we enter the dance, Slughorn pulls Harry aside for a picture. Once he's free, he comes back to me.

"Sorry, Dumbledore wants me to get to know him," he sighs. "I don't particularly want to."

I laugh a little, before seeing someone familiar slip behind the thin veils of gold fabric lining the room. I pull Harry with me as I go to investigate. There, we find Hermione.

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Harry questions.

"And what happened to you?" I ask, seeing her hair is messy.

"No, I've just escaped," Hermione tells us. "I mean... Left Cormac under the Mistletoe."

"Cormac?" Harry and I ask together.

"That guy who keeps staring at you all the time?" I continue.

"That's who you invited?" Harry finishes.

Hermione nods. "I thought it would annoy Ron the most. He's got more tentacles than a snargaluff plant."

"Oh, Mione, now Cormac will never leave you alone," I sigh. "Well, unless-"

"You are not hexing him," Hermione states. "If you won't let Harry fight Draco on your account, then you're not fighting Cormac on mine."

I sigh. "Fine, fine. Can I at least threaten him? Harry's done that much before."

Before Hermione can answer, one of the waiters pulls apart the fabric a little.

"Dragon tartare?" he offers.

"No, thank you," Hermione replies.

"Just as well," the waiter answers. "They give one horribly bad breath."

"On second thought," Hermione trails, taking the tray and shoving one in her mouth. "Might keep Cormac at bay."

The waiter just shrugs and walks away.

"Oh, gosh, here he comes." Hermione shoves the platter into Harry's hands, ducking out just as Cormac comes behind the fabric.

"I think she just went to powder her nose," Harry lies.

"Slippery little minx, your friend," Cormac smirks, taking a tartare and popping it in his mouth. "Likes to work her mouth, too, doesn't she? Yak, yak, yak."

I open my mouth, ready to grab my wand, but Harry seems to sense this and shoves a dragon tartare in my mouth. I nearly choke, getting a weird look from Cormac.

"You're pretty cute, Lucida," he comments, but Harry clears his throat loudly. "What is this I'm eating, by the way?"

"Dragon balls," Harry answers as I finally manage to swallow the tartare, trying not to laugh.

At that moment, Professor Snape yanks open the golden veil, only for Cormac to empty his stomach on his shoes. Harry tries to slip out, then.

"You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen," Snape tells him. "Not so quick, Potter."

"Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party," Harry says.

"I only wish to convey a message," Snape replies, looking between Harry and I. "From Professor Dumbledore. He wished me to give you his best, and hopes that you will enjoy your holidays. You see, he's travelling, and he won't return until term resumes. He wishes you both to stay at the Burrow over the break."

"Travelling where?" Harry asks.

Instead, Professor Snape turns to leave. But, he pauses, turning back for a moment.

"Potter, let me make this very clear," he states evenly, towering over him. "If you lay a single finger on my niece in a way I disapprove of, no one will be able to trace the poison that kills you. Be wary of your morning pumpkin juice."

Harry gulps. "Yes, sir," he says.

"Enjoy the party," Snape finishes, walking away in a fast pace.

I turn to Harry. "I am so glad you already know he's my uncle," I sigh.

We're distracted, then, as Filch pulls Draco out in front of the party.

"Get your hands off me, you filthy squib," Draco hisses.

"Professor Slughorn, sir," Filch greets. "I just found this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Ok, ok, I was gate-crashing. Happy?" Draco says. But he's lying again.

"I'll escort him out," Snape offers.

"Certainly," Draco replies in an odd tone. "Professor."

Shortly after, Harry and I follow, hiding in an adjacent corridor.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl, and Lovegood," Draco is saying to Snape. "Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?"

Their footsteps stop abruptly. "I swore to protect you," Snape hisses. "I made the Unbreakable Vow."

"I don't need protection," Draco answers. "I was chosen for this. Out of all others, me. And I won't fail him."

"You're afraid, Draco," Snape says softly. "You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you."

"No!" Draco snaps. "I was chosen. It is my moment."

Footsteps resume, and I know it's Draco who is walking away.

Harry and I head back to the party, finding a quiet corner.

"I don't know what Draco was chosen for, and he apparently can't tell me," I say softly. "But whatever it is, it's serious. If Snape made the Unbreakable Vow..."

"What is that?" Harry asks.

"Well, you can't break it," I answer simply.

"I'd worked that much out for myself, funny enough," Harry interrupts.

"Let me finish," I sigh, rolling my eyes. "It's called an Unbreakable Vow because, if you do break it, you die. Aunt Narcissa must have asked him to make the Vow. Snape is also Draco's godfather."

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