Muggle Quidditch

21 1 0



Hey! You answered differently!

Uhhhh... I actually don't have an amazing comeback for your statement...

When do you ever...

Do you need me to remind you of our previous conversations?

Please no! That's the last thing anyone would want!!!

Aww... Cause I have them all written out right here in front of me...

Wait! You write out our conversations?

How do you spell that?

Spell what?

Conversations. It seems to be popular in this conversation ...

Really?! Why do you need to write them out?

So I don't miss anything about you...



You sound like a stalker...

Who says I'm not...

I hang up on stalkers...

Jeeezzzzz... I'm not!!!

Mmm hmmm...

Anyways, back to the situation at hand.

Which one...

I need another player on my muggle quidditch team!

I assume you're asking me to join?



Wait why?!

Muggle quidditch is lame.

Not if you're on my team!

Answer's no buddy.

But I need another chaser!

Sorry I'm more of a keeper myself...

We can arrange that!

I'm hanging up...



Man... That's just the kind of attitude we could use...

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