C9 ~ Aurni

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~Dani’s PoV~

“Can i go to Starbucks?” I ask my mom.

“Of course, just be careful” she warned.

“Alright! BYE!” I yelled out.

*Time Skip*

“Hello how can i help you?” The clerk asked.

“Hi can i have a Passion Tea Lemonade and some breakfast sandwiches?” I order.

“Your name?” He asks.

“Dani.” i tell him.

“Ok we'll call you up when you're order is up.” He smiles.

“Alright.” i responded walking over to a booth.

“CALLIE GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BUTTHEAD” someone yelled as 2 girls ran past my booth. i peer over to see Aurora chasing her cousin around Starbucks.

“No way !” Callie yells back.

“Give me my phone back!!” Aurora yells.

“Gotta catch me to get it!” Callie taunted her.

“Dani you're orders done” i hear the clerk call out. i'm still surprised no ones kicked Aurora and her cousin out.

“Callie watch out!” Aurora yells out. Soon Callie’s collided with me and we are both on the ground. I hear Aurora laughing in the background as she walks up.

“Haha, very funny now help me up” Callie sassed.

“Hey sorry my cou- Oh hey Dani!” Aurora comes over to apologize when she realizes it was me.

“Its ok i guess running into people is just the way you're family greets people” i laughed.

“Hey Aurora i got to go, here's you're phone, and i'm sorry for running into you Dani. Bye!” Callie waved before running out of the store.

“Didn't you come here with her? why is she leaving you?” i ask.

“oh we didn't come together, i came for something here at Starbucks and she decided to tag along.” Aurora smiled. I nodded and began walking to the counter to get my order.

“So what are you up to today?” i ask.

“Nothing much, i was just planning to sit in my room and read or something.” Aurora answers just as she finishes her order.

“that sounds kind of dull don't you think?” i raise my eyebrow at her.

“Yeah it is, i do it almost every weekend, it would be nice to do something else for a change…” she responds.

“How ‘bout we hang out this weekend?” i suggest.

“Sure! why not?” she smiles.

“What do you want to do?” i ask.

“Want to go to the park?” she suggests.

“Sure!” i respond. soon her order is up and we are on our way to the park.

*Time Skip*

~Aurora’s PoV~

“Ok this time when we kick be careful and try not to hit anyone” I laughed.

“I'll try, how do you do it so easily?” Dani asks.

“P-practice you know? P-past experiences.” I smiled, silently cursing at myself for stuttering.

“Ok i'm going to kick now.” She untied her shoe and took a couple steps back before running and kicking her shoe off.

“Wow that went further than before! You're getting better!” I exclaimed.

“Ok your turn!” She smiled. Just as i was kicking my shoe off Dani goes running out into the field to grab her shoe.



“Sydney! Duck!” I scream at my idiot best friend.

“Jesus Aurora you almost hit me with your shoe!” Sydney laughed.

“Its your fault for walking into the middle of the field!” i laughed along with her..


“Hey you ok Aurora?” Dani asked walk up to me with my shoe in her hand.

“What? Oh yeah i'm fine” I faked a smile.

“Ok…” She said not looking convinced.

“Its getting late, we should go. I'll drop you off.” I offered.

“Ok, race ya to you're car!” She yelled before taking off.

“Hey no fair!” I yelled, running after her.


Sorry its so short, i still feel like crap and i have a LOT of homework to get done.

QotU: What is your favorite drink?

My Answer: I love Peppermint Tea and Sprite! <3 if i could that all id ever drink!!

Quote of the Update: 'Pride is an admission of weakness; it secretly fears all competition and dreads all rivals.' - Fulton J. Sheen

Anyways, i hope you have a good night/day!! <3


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