C13 ~ Stressed

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~Aurora’s PoV~

“Callie! For the last time i don't want to talk about it!” I groan in frustration. Since we got out of bed this morning Callie has been following me around and trying to get me to talk about my dream.

“How long have you been dreaming about them Aurora?” She asks again. I look her in the eyes before taking a deep breath. I guess i should just tell her.

“About two weeks now” I mumble under my breath.

“Two weeks?! No wonder you look so tired, what caused you to start dreaming about them again?” She walked up next to me.

“There was little accidents with the girls…” I whispered.

“What accidents with what girls?” She asks confused. I chuckled at her for not knowing what i meant by the girls.

“There was activities that i used to do with them that i did with Cimorelli and i guess that triggered it.” I looked away from Callie and down to my shoes.

“Aurora maybe its best to -gosh i hate to say this” Callie hesitated.

Oh don't say it Callie, don't say it…

“Hate to say what Callie?” I asked.

“Maybe its best if you stop hanging around the girls…” She told me. I stared at her, my mouth a gape.

Holy shiz i did not expect her to say that! I thought she was going to ask me to take my medication again!

“W-what? Why should i stop?” I asked.

“i only meant until the dreams stopped. A week maybe?” Callie suggested.

“How am i supposed to avoid them for a week?” I desperately asked.

“I don't know, ignore them? Turn off your phone, don't get on your laptop i know you still look at their profiles it may help with the dreams to stop.” She suggested.

“Ok but i'm going to post on my Facebook and Twitter that i won't be on for the next week.” I smiled slightly.

“Good because i hate seeing you like this, oh and from now until the dreams stop i will be sleeping in your room with you” She stated before walking away.

Wow a whole week away from phone and laptop… this is sure going to be hard.

*One Week Later*

“Callie! Callie!” I yelled out.

“Sh, shh, its ok Aurora i'm here.” She whispered. i laid my head onto her lap.

“Why won't they stop? Th-this t-ti-time i-it wa-was about her Callie. I've been able to avoid dreaming about her.” I sobbed into her lap.

“I'm sorry Aurora, i don't know i really don't know” She whispers stroking my hair.

*Another Week Passes*

~Amy’s PoV~

“Guys i'm worried about Aurora” Lisa suddenly said out of no where.

“Why?” Katherine asks.

“Callie tweeted ‘Sucks when you can't help someone you love’ and Aurora hasn't been on twitter for 2 weeks now.” She showed us Callie’s tweets.

“Has anyone talked to her since she went on her little break?” Christina asked.

“No in her last tweet she said she was turning her phone off and not getting on her laptop” Dani answered.

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