C18 ~ Family Time

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~Aurora’s PoV~

“Aurora! Aurora! Aurora get up!” Callie yelled in my ear.

“What do you want Callie?” I mumbled.

“Get up and get ready we are going to Magic Mountain today!” Callie pulled at my arm, causing me to fall off my bed.

“Ok, ok i'm up!” I grumpily picked myself up off the floor padding over to my bathroom.

*Time Skip*

“WERE ALMOST THERE!” Callie yelled.

“Callie! You're going to make me deaf” I rubbed my ear.

“Sorry, i just can't wait!” She bounced around in her seat.

“You'd think this was her first time going to an amusement park” I turned towards Olivia.

“Its not her first time?” Olivia asked.

“Nope we went to Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun in Kansas City” I chuckled.

“Ooh lucky! wish i could have gone!” Olivia pouted.

“No not very lucky, Callie and i got puked on” I cringe at the memory.

“OMG! You guys did not!” Olivia gasped in disbelief.

“Oh but we did, i had to get rid of a pair of my favorite shoes” Callie turned her attention to us.

“Disgusting” Olivia commented.

“Ok kids we are here.” My uncle announced. Almost immediately Callie jumped out of the car and started off towards the entrance.

“CALLIE!” My aunt yelled after her.

“Don't worry Aunt Lydia I'll go after her.” I smiled.

“Thank you Aurora” She sighed. Quickly i sprinted after my crazy cousin.

*Time Skip*

“Um no, definitely not” I shook my head.

“Come on Aurora, Pwease” Callie begged, throwing in her puppy eyes.

“Fine, fine i'll ride superman with you, but when i start bawling my eyes out you owe me” I gave in.

“Yes!” she did a victory dance.

“Hey we will be right back!” I called out to our parents as Callie dragged me towards the ride.

*After ride*

“Never again, nope definitely not” I rested my hands on my knees trying to keep myself from vomiting.

“Aww come on Aurora it was not that bad.” Callie skipped past me, earning a glare from me.

“Not that bad? Not that bad! Did you realize how fast we were going?” I stood straight up.

“I don't know but its lunch time, so lets goooo” She shrugged.

“Yeah like i can eat after that ride” I followed Callie as she skipped to where our families were waiting.

“How was the ride?” Olivia asked throwing her arm over my shoulder.

“It was terrifying” I told her.

“After lunch want to go on a ride with me?” She asked.

“What ride?” I looked over at her, and of course she had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Its a surprise but i can tell you its not as fast as superman” she nodded towards the rides.

“Ok, i'll go” I shrugged.

“Great cuz i would not have asked Callie, that girl crazy” She laughed.

“That she is” I chuckled before taking a seat on the blanket our parents laid out.

“Lets do this thing!” My dad exclaimed.

“Oh god” I buried my face in my hands, hiding from embarrassment.

*After Lunch*

“Oh screw you Olivia” I stare at the ride in front of me that she dragged me too.

“You really need to get over your fear of heights Aurora, i mean the Tatsu is not that bad” Olivia pushed me towards the ride.

“No need to push i won't back down, i told you i would go and i keep my word” I glanced at her.

“Yeah yeah yeah” She rolled her eyes.

*At Aunts House*

“Ugh i'm so tired!” I yelled out as i walked into the house.

Hey you would be tired too if your cousin would not stop dragging you to rides.

“Same here, i'm off to bed” Olivia sighed passing me.

“Oh me too night yall!” Callie followed.

“I'm going to go too” I start up the stairs.

“Wait Aurora we have to talk” My mom stopped me.

“Ok” I sighed.

“What is it?” Elliot asked.

“Well kids we have an announcement…” My dad sat us down.


So this was a filler (even though i did just post yesterday), i figured id do something else other than Aurora and the girls this chapter.

QotU: Do you have any family heirlooms?

My Answer: Personally, no i do not (at least i hope not) but I've touched and held a couple of them...

Quote of the Update: ‘Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.’ The Fault in our stars

Anyways, This story is almost OVER :( but don't worry your in for a little surprise ;) have a good day/night.


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