C11 ~ Aurstina

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~Christina’s PoV~

“Christina there's someone at the door for you!” Christian yelled up the stairs.

“Coming!” I responded before hopping off my bed and down the stairs. “Who's at the door?” I ask, making my way to the door.

“It was a delivery for you” He shrugged his shoulders.

As soon as i open the door instead of facing a person with a box i got a face full of a whip cream pie.

“What the--!” I wiped the pie away from my eyes, only to see a laughing Aurora and my sisters taking pictures and videos.

“You think this is funny ya’ll better run then.” I smirked at them before running after them.

“It wasn't our idea!” Lisa yelled back as i was chasing her.

“Oh yeah then whose was it” I asked still chasing her.

“It was mine.” I stop and turn to see a smiling Aurora with a can of silly spring in her hands.

“Don't you dare” I took a step back.

“I won't” She smirked before aiming it at me. Just as i was getting to run she had already sprayed me with the silly string.

“Oh you are so going to get it” I took off after her, she was laughing but soon i trapped her in a corner.

“WAIT how about a compromise?” She offered.

“What kind of compromise?” I asked.

“You and I will play a prank on your sisters, it is April fools day for a reason” She smiled.

“Deal, what's the plan?” I ask, causing her to smirk.

*Time Skip*

“Are you sure this is going to work?” I ask again.

“Oh yeah hopefully they stay in the room while we set it up though.” She fidgeted.

“They don't ever leave the room unless i order them too when they are writing. I'll go call them in you, stay out of sight.” I ordered. She headed down the hall most likely where we hid all our stuff for the prank.

‘GIRLS we’re ready to work now!’ I texted out. Soon all of the girls were sitting in a circle in the room.

“What up Christina?” Katherine asked.

“I want to do some song discussion done today for the album” I brought up the idea.

“That's cool. Are we going to start?” Lisa asks.

“Yup lets do this.” I said, soon everyone was spit balling song ideas and sorting through the songs already written.

“Hey i'll be right back” I said standing up.

“Where you going?” Amy asked.

“Bathroom.” I simply stated before walking out.

“Finally i was getting bored waiting” Aurora appeared with the stuff.

“Lets hurry i don't want them to grow suspicious.” I rushed her. Soon the door was covered in newspaper and there was a strip at the top filled with packing peanuts.

“Finally, i'm going to go over there, you setup the camera right?” she asked.

“Got that taken care of lets go i'll yell out and get their attention.” I walked with her.

“Got it.” She began walking to our seats, soon she trips and falls to the ground. “OW!” She yelled out in pain.

“OMG Aurora are you ok?” I asked rushing over to her.

“Yeah i just think i sprained my ankle.” She said sitting up rubbing it.

“Christina was that Auror- AH!” I first heard Lauren yell out.

“Holy Nutella!” I heard Dani yell next. Both Aurora and i exchanged a glance before bursting out laughing. Soon walked out 5 very confused yet upset girls.

“What?” i ‘innocently’ asked.

“You guys suck! There's a huge mess in there now!” Lisa pouted.

“April Fools?” Aurora said, still on the ground.

“Why are you on the floor?” Amy asked.

“Tripped, fell, sprained ankle” Aurora simply stated.

‘Are you ok?” Katherine said, instantly turning motherly.

“Yeah, but can you help me to my car Christina?” Aurora asked.

“Of course, i'll be right back” I said helping Aurora up.

“See you guys later!” Aurora yelled back as i helped her down the hall.

~Aurora’s PoV~

“Here let me help you in” Christina offered.

“Thanks, and sorry for almost ruining the prank” I sheepishly smiled.

“Its no problem, it worked out.” She gave me a smile back. “Careful don't want you to trip again” she joked watching me stubble as we walked into the elevator.

“you suck!” i stuck my tongue out at her. She lets go of me as i lean against the elevator wall.


“Thank you for picking me to do this with you Aurora” Hannah smiled.

“Well with you i will actually have someone to keep me company, that and i knew you would like to miss out on some of your class time” I smiled back.

“This elevator sure is slow!” She said looking at what floor we were on.

“You get used to it, but its more time class to skip” i laughed at my impatient best friend.

“You suck, you are lucky you are on crutches or else you would so get it right now” she threatened.


“Aurora you ok there?” Christina’s voice broke through my memory.

“Huh? Yeah i'm fine.” I faked a smile, trying to hold back the tears.

“Are you sure?” She asked not convinced. Trying to think of something to tell her luckily the elevator dinged. Saved by the bell, well ding.

“Lets go my ankle is starting to throb” I tried changing the subject.

“Ok, wheres your car?” She asked. Soon she helped me into the car asking me if i wanted her to drive me for the 5th time with me rejecting her again.

“Seriously i can drive myself don't worry” I reassured her.

“Ok i'll let you go… This time.” She said before she left.

Finally, alone.


So this is late, it was suppose to be up on April fools day but i got grounded so i wasnt able to, then i got grounded again and still wasn't able to post it...

QotU: How strict are your parents/legal guardians?

My Answer: My parents are very strict but my mom sees things better than my dad who tends to think i did the worst thing in the world and punishes me accordingly.

Quote of the Update: 'Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other' - Carol Saline

Anyways have a good night/day ya'll!!


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