Chapter three

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Ciel's p.o.v

I walked into the councellers office and cringed. 'Great. An angel,' I thought and glanced at the counceller. "Hello Alois. How are you?" the counceller asked. "Hello Mr. Landers. I am well thanks. I have a friend here, Ciel Phantomhive, and he needs some help with a problem," Alois said. Mr. Landers stood up and smiled. "Hello Ciel. What's this problem?" he asked and motioned for me to sit down. I hesitantly sat down and looked around. "Ciel. You said you would tallk to him about it and let him help you. Please do it for me," Alois said and sat next to me. I sighed. "Fine. My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I'm 14 years old. I was born on the 14th of December 2003. My parents died in a fire when I was 10 years old. And since then I have sold my soul to a demon and now I have depression and I self harm a lot. Oh and in case you couldn't tell, Mr. Landers, I am a demon," I said in a cold voice and put my hand on Alois'. Alois smiled and put his hand on mine. Mr. Landers wrote down notes, glancing up at Alois and I occasionally. "Right. So how do you want me to help?" Mr. Landers asked. I glared at him and stood up. "I'm out of here. You wanted me to talk to him and he can't help me at all. It was a wast of 10 mins of first class," I said and walked out of the room. "I'm sorry Mr. Landers. He has mood swings a lot and he can't control them. It doesn't help that today is his birthday and the day his parents died 4 years ago," Alois said and stood up. "I'm sorry then," Mr. Landers said. Alois walked out of the room and followed me to class. "Ciel wait. We have to go to our lockers to put our bags away," he said and grabbed my arm. I hissed and jerked my arm back. "Ciel stop it," Alois said and held on to my wrist tighter. I hissed again and tried to pull my arm away but I couldn't. "Alois let go," I said and stopped struggling. "No. Not until you calm down," Alois said and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and started crying. "I'm sorry Alois. Maybe I should tell Sebastian," I said and nuzzled into Alois' shirt. Alois put his hand on my back. "It's OK. You should tell Sebastian. I said that," he said. The class door opened. "Ciel and Alois. Why are you two not in class?" a voice said. I pulled away from the hug and wiped my eyes. "I had to go see thee counceller but he was no help. I'm sorry Mr. Spears," I said and tried to push past Mr. Spears to get into class. "Detention for both of you at lunch. Now get into class and get your maths book out," Mr. Spears said and walked back into class. I smiled an evil smile. "Let's go Alois," I said and walked into class and sat at my seat at the back of the class. Alois followed me annd sat in the seat next to me. "Alois that isn't your seat. Go to your seat or Mr. Spears will tell you off," I said. Alois shook his head. "If I leave you, you will not do any work. And I have your scissors but they need cleaned. They're covered in blood," he said and pulled his maths book out. I sighed and did the same and began working out the problems on the board. Despite starting after everyone else, I finished first and made sure they were correct. Alois coppied off of my book and finished next. We both walked up to the teacher. "Mr. Spears. Alois and I have finished," I said. Mr. Spears didn't look up but pointed to the tub on his desk. Alois and I put our books in the tub and went back to our seats. "Ciel come here," Mr. Spears said. I stood up and walked to the teacher. "What?" I asked and folded my arms. "Why were you with the counceller?" Mr. Spears asked. I didn't reply. "Ciel if you don't explain yourself, I'll have to give you another detention and I'll call your guardian," Mr. Spears said and sighed. I still didn't reply but insted pulled my phone out. I went into contacts and clicked Sebastian's contact and handed my phone to Mr. Spears. He sighed and pressed the call button. "Hello Ciel," Sebastian said on the other end of the phone. "Hello Sebastian. My name is William T. Spears, Ciel's teacher. Him and Alois were late for class and apparently they were at the counceller's office. I asked Ciel why but he wouldn't tell me so he has two detentions one for being late to class and one for not doing as requested and I would like it if you came into the class after school for a meeting," Mr. Spears said. "Oh. Hello William. I'll come in after school and have that meeting. Thanks for the call," Sebastian said and hung up. I took my phone back from the teacher and got up. I smirked at Mr. Spears and turned around only to see the whole class looking at me and laughing. Only Alois, Vincent and Rachel weren't laughing. I glared at the class and at Mr. Spears and walked out of the class. "Ciel get back in here now and sit down!" Mr. Spears said in a raised voice. I sighed and ran towards the bathroom with my bag. I ran into the bathroom and into a stall and closed the door. I pulled my pencil case out and grabbed another pair of scissors and cut the bandages off and cut my wrists again. "Stupuid Mr. Spears. Stupid Mr. Landers. Stupid Mr. Sutcliff. Stupid Seastian," I said and kept cutting my wrists. I started crying and put the scissors down. "Ciel I know your in here," a voice said. I held my breath and tried to stop my blood from flowing out of my wrists and under the door but it didn't work. A bit of my blood flowed under the door and I heard the person outside the door sigh. "Ciel it's Alois. Open the door now and let me clean you up," Alois said. "No. You'll laugh at me like everyone else," I said and tried to stop crying. "Ciel Phantomhive open this door now and let me clean you up or I will get Mr. Sutcliff," Alois demanded. I sighed and unlocked the door. Alois opened the door and looked at me. "Get up," he said. I shook my head. "Get up," Alois said again in a louder voice. I shook my head again. "GET UP!" Alois shouted. I looked up at Alois and teared up again. I slowly stood up and looked Alois in the eyes. "Sit on the bench and stay still," Alois said. I gave up fighting with him and sat on the bench. Alois got the fiirst aid kit out of the cupboard and stood in front of me. "Hold your wrists out and let me clean them," he said. I put my wrists out and closed my eyes.

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