Chapter 2

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Do you ever think of tasting your words before you spit them out?


I scurried out of the room with the slip in my hand, my breath still coming out in short pants. I fumbled with the stupid zipper of my bag, which just refused to close. My throat was clogging up and I found it painful to take in air.

Need to be alone.

The thought kept running through my mind.

In my state of utter confusion, I failed to notice where I was headed until I tumbled straight into some one's hard back.

Gasping, I lost my balance and fell to the floor.

"Woah, there," the stranger said turning around immediately, looking at me on the ground.

My breath left me, like literally. I stopped breathing.

No, it was not because he looked insanely good looking or anything but because of the colour of his eyes.

Striking grey.

"Shh, honey, daddy is here now, there's nothing to worry about" my father's loving voice soothed my nerves.

"Daddy.." I sobbed into his shirt, making it wet.

Lifting me up on his hip, my head rested on his shoulders and he walked around to calm me down. I clutched his shirt tightly, wanting to stay like this forever.

His large hands covered my head which he gently rubbed. He was humming something as he walked around the room.

Finally my breathing became calm.

He was about to place me on the bed but I held on tightly, becoming panicked again.

I felt so safe, so warm, so protected in his hands, I never wanted to move away.

"It's OK, princess. I'm sorry. You can stay with me today in my room," he said in a sad voice.

I nodded into his shoulder as he carried me out.

"What happened?" He whispered slowly.

"B- bad dream," I stuttered out.

"What did you see?" He asked in a soothing voice.

"Eyes." I whispered, thinking back to those cruel orbs.

"What eyes..?" My dad probed on.

After a long pause, I finally mustered my reply in a whisper,"Grey ones,"

The guy's eyes slightly widened in surprise, recognition..? His pupils dilated for a while and he just stared at me, his expression giving away very little.

For what felt like hours we just looked at each other. I slowly stood up, not taking my eyes away from his. The corridor was deserted. Everybody seemed to be in class. The boy tilted his head to the side and squinted his eyes at me as I stayed there unmoving.

He drew in a breath, regaining his composure and then he smirked, "Well, hey there," he said.

And with that one sentence, I ran. I ran like my life depended on it. Running through the empty corridors, I stumbled and tripped but I never stopped running.

Looking over my shoulder, I felt relieved when I saw that nobody was chasing me.

Pulling the restroom door open, I went inside and  into the first stall. Leaning against the door of the stall, my breathing came out rushed.

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