Part one

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I stand in the middle of the screaming girls, my purse clutched to my chest so no one knocks it out of my hands. Alice bounces around with them screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs making me sigh. She was a huge fan and for her birthday her parents go her two tickets to see Thirty Seconds To Mars. I liked their music, I knew the lyrics from being in the car with Alice all the time and I'd listen to it occasionally in the shower or when I had to get pumped for something, but I could live without it. Alice on the other hand was obsessed, and not in the cute fangirl kind of way, I mean I was a fangirl when it came to Jared, but Alice, was OBSESSED.
The concert was a bit more surreal, with the screaming fans and the loud music. It wasn't my first, but it was definitely the most rowdy I'd ever been to. People were smashed and screaming, and I was more than ready to kick someone's ass if I needed to. Alice, who was younger and smaller then I was, was pushing her way closer. She was eighteen I shouldn't have worried too much, but I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to her, like let her hook up with a fanboy like she had a tendency to do at any concert.
"Alice!" I call after her, but you can't hear me over the music. "Alice!" I start pushing through the crowd to catch her when a blonde woman pushes me to the ground. I yip when my ass connects with the cement, making me angry. The drunk woman glares at me, yanking me up by my shirt. "What the hell are you doing?!" I growl.
"What are you doing you bitch!?" She pulls back ready to punch me, but I duck at the last possible moment, her fist connecting with a buff man behind me. Growling he turns to look at us, the blonde is unfazed, her hand connecting with my jaw, making me pissed.
"Ay! Ay! Knock it off!" I hear come through the speaker as the blonde goes to hit me again, the buff man behind me holds my arm, ready to pull me away. Growling at the druk bimbo in daisy dukes and a bra, I catch her fist in my hand pushing her away making her stumble. She roars, charging after me, knocking me to the ground with the buff man pulling her off me. "Punch that bitch!" I hear again. I stand up as the man sets her back on her feet, my fist connecting with her face making me hiss in pain and her stumble back onto her ass. I shake my hand before wrapping my good hand around it, my knuckles bleeding. By then security had found their way to us. "Some drunk blonde bitch just punched this woman."
"What's going on here?" The security guard asks.
"She was hitting the girl." The buff man comes to my defence. "It was self defence."
"Are you alright?" The man asks looking at me before looking at my hand.
"Yeah." I pull my hand from his grasp ready to walk away when a larger, warmer hand stops me from moving.
"You need to see the EMTs." The voice says making my heart flutter a second. Jared stands with his hand firmly grasping my arm, his clear blue eyes looking at me with concern. "Come on." He pulls me toward the stage, climbing up before reaching his hands down to help me.
"I'm fine really, thank you." I say trying to step back, flustered by the hot man trying to help me.
"Alisha! Alisha oh my god." Alice come from the crowd, hurrying to my side. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, please stop fussing."
"I don't care if you're fine, you still need to get your hand checked out." Jared offers again, his hand reaching for me again, making Alice look up. Shannon and Tomo both come over to offer their support. If I keep this going any longer then the show will be ruined and people will hate me. Huffing I reach up, taking Jared hand in my good one, letting him pull me up chuckling he lifts my hand in the air making the crowd scream and clap. "Go backstage, there's EMTs waiting." I nod once.
"Thank you." I mutter before walking away. A woman with brown hair ushers me through the back to the EMTs, where they make me sit on a wall so they can assess and wrap my hand. They check where the woman hit me, but it was nothing more than a red mark that wouldn't even bruise. The woman makes me stay there until the show's over so I ask them to go get Alice, and I would do what they wanted. They found Alice where I left her, bringing her to me.
"Alisha, are you alright?"
"Yeah, just bruises."
"I can't believe you got into a fight." She says sighing. "I'm sorry that I took off like that, I just wanted to get closer."
"It's okay, I know you love them, and just think if I hadn't gotten into a fight then you wouldn't be backstage right now." I joke.
"That's so true." She laughs.
"Come this way." Security grabs up, leading us back toward the stage, making us like up with the other VIP people and whoever Jared decided to bring upstage with him. We were right in front of Shannon, who when I looked at him over my shoulder, just gave me a warm and gently smile. Once they end the concert and people start to dissipate, I'm more than ready to leave, but Alice is in heaven talking with the guys and a few other people.
"Alice, come on." I motion for her to walk with me.
"Five more minutes."
"It's twelve in the morning we have a long drive home." I hiss at her lowly, my arms folded in front of my chest.
"I'll be there in a few minutes." She says. "Please, just five more minutes." She pouts making me sigh.
"Fine, but I'm leaving." I say heading toward the back of the stage.
"Leaving without saying goodbye?" I stop short looking over my shoulder to see Jared coming toward me.
"Yeah, we have a long drive home, I'm just going to go start the car." I say trying to avoid him. This is all too weird, Jared stepping in to help me tonight, being backstage of a band with fifty thousand screaming people watching them, and now getting to meet and talk to them. Something's definitely off, and I'm not going to get my hopes up to ever have something like this happen again.
"Why don't you stay with us tonight?"
"Huh?" I give him a confused look before chuckling. "Is this a joke?"
"No, I'm being serious, how old are you?"
"I'm twenty, but I don't see what that has to do with anything."
"How old's your friend?"
"Will your parents be worried if you don't show up?"
"Parents." I scoff. "Mine won't but her's will."
"So why don't you two work something out and stay with us tonight."
"I think you've done enough for me today, but thank you."
"How long is your drive home?"
"Why are you so interested in me? I'm grateful to you for what you did for me tonight, but I'm just like all those other girls who want your attention. So why are you giving it to me?"
"Why shouldn't I give it to you?" He counters.
"Because I'm nothing special, it's not fair."
"Life isn't fair." He says closing the space between the two of us.
"I'm not going to fall for you, you're the same as everyone else, some hot guy playing celebrity, you're not going to prey on me, I'm not stupid."
"Hmm." He gives me a playful smirk. "Maybe you are, turning down the chance to sleep with me."
"I'm not going to be just another notch on your bedpost Jared, credit to you for trying though." I say sarcastically, clapping for him before looking over his shoulder. "Come on Alice." This time she comes with me. The drive to her house is silent for the most part, until we pull in her driveway.
"I can't believe you declined his offer, you didn't even ask me if I'd like to stay the night." She finally snaps.
"Alice, I wasn't going to sleep with him."
"Yeah, but we still could've stayed."
"What difference does it make, you weren't driving." I snap at her, agitated about the entire night. "Please Alice, just go to bed." She stares at me, snickering.
"You're not my parent." She snaps getting out of the car, slamming the door behind her. Sighing I lay my head on the steering wheel. She was only thinking about herself, all night, the whole trip was about her, who cares that I didn't want to stay there, she's a big girl, if she wanted to stay all she had to do was say she would. I probably would've come home, she's right, I'm not her parent, but I was asked to watch her, who am I to tell her what to do? Sighing I drive home, coming home to an empty house after a crazy night makes me feel lonely, the feeling of regret now sinking in. I should've stayed with him, then I wouldn't feel so alone. I strip off my clothes before unwrapping my hand, looking at my split bruised knuckles, making me squeeze my eyes shut for a minute. The stupid shit I do. I shake my head before squirting peroxide on it and rewrapping it before going to bed.

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