Part ten

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"Alisha baby girl look at me. Alisha no!" I try to keep her awake, but her eyes flutter shut the heart monitor beeping uncontrollably. Nurses and doctors come running in pushing me aside before pulling up the arms of her bed, shouting something at one another as they put an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. "What are you doing? What's going on?!"
"Please sir step back!" The nurse yells trying to hold me back, but she's not strong enough. I push her off me just to have another pair of hands latch on to me. Shannon holds me back this time, hugging me protectively as they wheel her out of the room in a mad dash.
"Where are they taking her?" I feel my heart pound in my chest, tears blurring my vision. A nurse stands in the far corner of the room, cleaning off the healthy baby boy. "Shannon." I turn to look at him as Alice hold Rose against her, sobbing softly so she doesn't disturb the baby too much.
"She'll be okay."
"You don't know that." I mutter.
"Yes I do." He reassures just as the nurse comes over with my baby, wrapped up in a blue blanket.
"Would you like to hold your baby?" She asks in a soothing voice as he cries for his mother. I watch him flail in her arms, looking for the comfort and protection of his mother. I shake my head stepping back.
"I want my wife." I mutter. Sighing Shannon takes the baby from the nurse smiling at her gently.
"Thank you."
"Please where did they take her?"
"There were some complications." The nurse says. "I don't know what kind, but we deal with stuff like this all the time, Alisha will be just fine." A hand full of doctors and the nurses worked with us first hand, hence the reason Alish and Alice were allowed in the same room, to protect us. "Jared, your baby needs you now."
"No." I snap at her. "He needs his mother. Makayla needs her mother." She looks at me for a second before looking at Shannon.
"I need to weigh him yet, do you mind?" Shannon hands him back to her with no problem. "Are you sure you don't want to hold him now?" I squeeze my eyes shut shaking my head. All I wanted was Alisha. She takes him from the room to weigh him and clean him better.
"You can't be like that Jared. You need to hold him. He needs his father just as much as he needs his mom."
"I can't, not without her." I plop down in the chair my head in my hands. "What am I gonna do without her?"
"Jay you heard the nurse they do this all the time, she'll be okay." I shake my head, tears flowing freely. I don't know how much time had passed before she was wheeling the baby back in, no name printed on his birth certificate just his weight height and the date. She puts his thing next to Rose's, who was sleeping peacefully as her mother sobbed uncontrollably, and looks at me. "Where is she?"
"They're still doing surgery as far as I know, but what would you like to name your baby?"
"I can't, not without her."
"Very well." She says sadly leaving the room. I look up to see her hospital bag on the floor beside Anthony who had Makayla fast asleep. Sticking from the top was a white envelope one I knew all too well. She refused to open it, but carried it with her everywhere. She wouldn't even let Makayla open their gift in fear that it was something horrendous. I get up plucking the envelop from her bag before opening it. I was tired of looking at it honestly. Those assholes didn't deserve to be apart of her or Makayla's life. I unfold the letter to find a check for four thousand dollars.
'Dear Alisha,
I know it's not much, and that I've been nothing but hateful and cynical toward you ever since I heard you were pregnant. I left Ralph about two months ago and I got a huge promotion at work. I know money isn't going to fix us, but it's a start. I want you to put this in a college fund for my beautiful granddaughter. I'm so proud of you for making it on your own. I know I couldn't have done it with you and I give you all the credit in the world for being a single mom. I'm sorry I wasn't in Makayla's life like I should've been, and I hope someday you'll forgive me for letting a man destroy our relationship like I swore would never happen. Makayla is beautiful and I hope for her first birthday or maybe a later one that you'll tell her a little about me, some good stuff and some of the bad. I wish I would've been there for you, but nothing can change the past, only the future. Here's my new cell of you ever need anything at all just call me, maybe one day you'll let me meet that beautiful little girl of yours, but if you choose not to let that happen, I completely understand and I respect your wishes.
All the best and lots of love,
I stare at the letter before folding it back up and putting it back in her bag. She's gonna wanna read that some day. Before I know it hours had passed and everyone I ask about Alisha has no idea what's happening. I hadn't once touched the baby, everyone else has, even Makayla, but I refuse. I'm not doing anything without her. The others were fast asleep, Alice tired herself out with all her crying and Shannon followed shortly after with Makayla curled between them. I was wide awake, Anthony left some time around one to get some coffee when the nurse came in.
"Jared." She called out to me gently. "Alisha's in recovery. She's still not stable, but they managed to stop the bleeding. You can go see her in a little while." I look up at her my eyes heavy with fatigue.
"Will she be alright?"
"It's hard to say right now. It took a lot longer to stop the bleeding then anticipated, they had to give her a blood transfusion to replace some of the blood lost." I nod slowly looking over at my baby boy who was wiggling in his clear bassinet looking up at the ceiling. "Have you thought of a name yet?" I shake my head before looking up at her once again.
"How long before I can go see her?"
"In about an hour." She nods before leaving. An hour comes and goes feeling more and more like a year. The doctor comes in holding a clipboard with a grave expression.
"Jared." I look up at him, my hair a mess from leaning my head in my hands. "Please step in the hallway." I feel my heart drop. I knew it wasn't good I knew that this meant the end and I couldn't have the end, not now. I shake my head tears welling in my eyes for the hundredth time. Standing up I head for the door the doctor close behind me. "She's finally stable and she seems to have taken to the blood-"
"-but." I cut him off making him sigh.
"It's been an hour and everything looks fine, but she still hasn't woken up or even shown signs of doing so anytime soon. She may have fallen into a coma, but we can't say for certain just yet." I feel my heart wrench in my chest. "Would you like to see her?"
"Yes." I bark. "Of course I want to see her."
"Very well." He leads me down the hall to a room in the recovery portion of the hospital. He opens the door and lets me in. She lays in her bed, hooked up to all kinds of monitors and bags of liquid. I move to her side grabbing her overly warm hand as I sit beside her bed. She's still alive, she's still in there.
"I'm here baby girl. I'm finally here." The tears stream down my cheeks. "I need you to wake up baby. Our son, Makayla, Alice, Shannon, Rose and I all need you to wake up, please baby." My lips tremble as I kiss her hand. I feel her twitch making me chuckle hopefully. "Come on baby. I need you." I whisper softly brushing back her hair making her eyes flutter. The doctor stands over her, watching her she reaches up to take off the oxygen.
"No no, leave that on." The doctor says gently moving her hand away. She groans shifting a little to look at me.
"Hi beautiful." I grin at her relief filling my every limb.
"Yeah baby girl, it's me,"
"You'll never believe the dream I had." She says sleepily making me laugh gently.
"You'll never believe how much I cried." I mutter brushing my hand over her hair again. She lifts the oxygen off despite the doctors protests.
"We had a dog farm and you were a werewolf and Alice was a sheep and Shannon was a sheep herding dog." She says tiredly. "And Constance was the farm lady but like wasn't at the same time." She shakes her head trying to remember the rest. "Where's the baby?" She suddenly asks.
"With Alice and Shannon."
"Why am I in a different room?"
"You passed out from blood loss baby girl, you've been in surgery for the last eight and half hours."
"What?" Her heart beat picks up. "Is he okay?"
"He's perfect baby girl. Now get some rest. You can see him when you wake up again."
"Did you name him?"
"No, I wouldn't do that without you." I admit.
"Sebastian, Sebastian Tyler Leto." I chuckle softly.
"Okay baby girl. That sounds perfect. Now rest." I kiss her forehead softly before she falls back to sleep. Shannon brings Sebastian and the others down to me before she wakes again. The healthy baby boy squirming in his onesie waiting still to meet his parents. Shannon hands him to me gently, the unnatural feeling of holding something so tiny makes me a little timid to hold him at all. He looks up at me with wide blue eyes before looking over at Alisha who was still sleeping. "Hi handsome." I say softly before feeling Alisha move beside me.
"Right here baby girl and you have some visitors. Makayla instantly wanted to get in bed, but everyone stopped her. I gently hand over Sebastian before picking her up so she could see her mom and brother.
"His beautiful." Gently Alisha brushes back Makayla's hair before looking back at Sebastian, tears staining her cheeks. Alice sits on the other side of the bed with Rose and the nurse takes a family photo. It may not have been a smooth delivery, but it was definitely a day we'd remember forever.


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