Part two

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It's been a week since the concert and I haven't heard from Alice since. I put on my fake smile as I take the order from the customer. I'm a waitress at a local dinner in the middle of town, which is how I met Alice four years ago. She was so nice and talked so much, but I didn't really mind. It was weird not talking to her, we talked every day twice a day, and now I hadn't heard from her in seven. I understand why she's mad, but is it really worth ending our friendship over, I mean I'm not surprised that band is her life, but still. I've been her friend, who's cared for her, who got in a fight finding her, I went to the concert because she asked when she knows I'm not that big of a fan, and now she hates me because I told Jared Leto I wouldn't sleep with him. I guess we weren't as close as I'd once thought. I turn away, placing the order before Tiffany calls into me saying I've got another customer. I bring the man his drink before going to whoever came in. Alice sits in her booth she's usually at, her hands folded on top of the menu as she looks up at me making me falter a second.
    "I'm sorry for acting like a child. I thought I should apologize in person, instead of over the phone."
    "Well, thank you I appreciate that." She smiles at me broadly.
    "Now bring me some of those perfect pancakes." She chuckles smiling at me.
    "Sure." I chuckle taking the menu from her before placing her order. In no time at all my shift ends and I change out of my waitress uniform after locking up, Alice texting one of her friends.
    "Hey, can we go out tonight?"
    "Like where? You're eighteen and I'm twenty, we can't go anywhere."
    "Let's go to a club."
    "With what IDs?" I question slipping into my pencil skirt and crop top.
    "With these IDs." She flashes me two fake IDs. "And I know a guy who can get us in." She grin standing up, her backless cocktail dress showing off her body.
    "So that's why you're dressed like that. You know these boyfriends of yours are going to get us in trouble one day."
    "Who cares." She laughs walking off ahead of me. "And I already told my parents I'm staying with you, so there's no need to hurry home."
    "You know if you get a job, we can live together right?"
    "Yeah, yeah. I'm looking I really am."
    "Well look harder." I chuckle lightly before heading out to the car where she hands me a pair of heels from the backseat, I always keep in there for when I have interviews. I slip into them before starting the car and driving down the street to a local club. LA clubs, were the best kind of clubs, with hot celebs, and great music, it was everything you could ask for, not to mention the best alcohol known to man. I sip my cocktail before slipping off the barstool, flirting with the bartender to get the drink for free. I step up on my tip toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a clear shot down my shirt. He grins at me, his eyes on my breasts before I wink and turn away from him, dancing my way to the dancefloor. I'd lost sight of Alice the second we got here because she disappeared with her 'connection' and I honestly didn't care. I grind on strangers, sipping random drinks guys hand in their hands as they grind back on me, I truly enjoyed doing rare things like this, it was a great way to get away from the struggle of life and it meant I was definitely getting laid tonight.
I don't know how long we were there for, but when I'd finally needed some space I stepped out for some air, the chilled LA air whipping me in the face. I was buzzed beyond repair, but I was still conscious of what was happening. I knew my drink limit and when to stop. I take a deep breath leaning back against the cold brick of the night club, the bartender I'd flirted with earlier had showed me the back door and shoved something in the door to keep it from locking me out. I take a few deep calming breaths before tying up my hair, letting my body temperature plummet. I was dying from the heat, I was so sweaty all I wanted was a shower, but I didn't really mind it. I'm just about to go back in when a voice stops me.
"Alisha?" I look over my shoulder to see Jared looking at me curiously, his white muscle tee not hiding anything really, his pink Gucci jogging pants tight against his legs. God why was he so good looking. "What are you doing out here?" He asks curiously looking up at the club.
"I could ask you the same." I slur slightly.
"I'm avoiding fans, what's your excuse?"
"I needed air."
"You're not old enough to drink Alisha."
"Yeah, well I have a card that says I am."
"Is Alice in there?"
"What's it to you, you're not my guardian!"
"Alisha, this is dangerous."
"Oh, no." I fake pout ready to walk away and go back into the club, but he grabs my arm stopping me.
"You're not going back in there."
"Oh yeah, watch me." I snap, reaching for the door handle, but he yanks me back, throwing me over his shoulder. "What are you doing! Put me down! Right now!"
"No can do." He says carrying me to an SUV at the end of the alley. He throws me in the back seat before getting in himself, I go to open my door and get out, but he stops me, his hand coming down on the lock before I can open the door.
"Stop! Let me go! This is kidnapping!" I demand.
    "Sir?" The driver gives Jared a skeptical look in the rearview mirror.
"It's fine, she'd drunk, take us home please." Jared says calmly.
"You have no right-"
"I'm saving you from getting yourself arrested Alisha, you're twenty, you can't be in a club drinking. It's illegal if you weren't aware."
"I can handle myself. I've manage pretty well on my own without you thank you very much." I snap. "I don't want to go anywhere with you Jared! Let me go!"
"Enough." He snaps at me making me stare at him just in time for the driver to pull up to a huge gated house. The driver punches in a code before the gate opens, he pulls up the long driveway to a two story house, with tall glass windows instead of solid wall. When the driver stops Jared gets out, yanking me out with him and toward the front door.
"Why are you even doing this?"
"Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Because! I still don't understand why you've taken a liking to me."
"Because look at you, you're a disaster, who wouldn't want to help you, and decent person would be able to see how much a trainwreck you are." I stare at him, the tears burning my eyes.
"Really?" I snap. "I'm a trainwreck?" I say harshly, trying to hide the pain. "That doesn't mean a whole lot coming from you." I try desperately to stop the tears from blurring my vision, because his complaint hit me right in the chest. I was a trainwreck, getting into fights at concerts, getting drunk at only twenty, deny a celebrity to fuck me.
"No, no." I shake my hand, stopping him from coming any closer to me. "You can't pity me after saying something like that, you don't get to feel bad for putting me down."
"Alisha I did-"
"Enough!" I snap the reluctant tears streaming down my cheeks dripping off the edge of my chin. "You did, you did mean it." I roughly wipe the tears away with the backs of my hands. This time he stays quiet. "I'm leaving."
"Alisha, please don't." He grabs my wrist, pulling me back.
"Fine then show me where I'm staying." I snap, pulling away from him. "God forbid I leave and show the world how much of a trainwreck I am."
"Alisha, I didn't mean to-"
"I don't care." I huff. "Just show me where you want me." I fold my arms over my chest before looking away from him.
"Yeah, okay." He says lowly before walking up the stairs. I follow behind him, not really looking at the house, he comes up to a door just a short walk down the hallway. "You can stay in here." I don't say anything walking past him to go to the bed, I lay down, yanking the blanket up over my shoulders. When I wake up the next morning I find a text from Alice. 'You'll never guess where I'm leaving from.' Sighing I close out the text, not bothering to answer her, despite it being her birthday. I head downstairs and into the living room where we were the night before, the dread still lingering.
"Morning Alisha." I hear Jared call from the kitchen. I look behind me to see him standing behind the stove with an apron on.
"Are you going to take me home?" He looks at me a second before nodding.
"You want to eat first?"
"No, I'd rather go home."
"Alright." He says turning off the stove before coming over to me, taking off his apron. "Come on then." He looks at me, his eyes flickering around my face before they stop, looking right at my lips making me bite my lip lightly. He was attractive, more than attractive, he was so good looking I couldn't stand it, but what he said to me... his looks could never make up for it. He drops me off at my apartment and I don't say anything as I get out.
"Alisha." He gets out, coming after me, catching my wrist in his hand. I don't say anything as I turn to look at him. "I'm sorry, about what I said. I had no right to say that to you." For the first time all morning, I saw the rings under his eyes.
"-Did you sleep at all last night?" He huffs a chuckle before shaking his head.
"So you forgive me?"
"Yeah." I nod slowly before pulling back.
"No you don't." He whispers.
"It's okay." I reassure.
"Can you just-!" He starts, but realizes he's talking a bit too loudly. "Can you just talk to me, please?"
"I still don't understand." I say quietly. "Why do you care?" I shake my head stepping closer.
"I don't know why, I can't tell you if I don't know myself. Just humor me, even if it's for an hour or so."
"Fine." I sigh unlocking the door to my apartment building. He steps in and looks around as if he was expecting more... or rather less than what I had. It was a small one bedroom apartment, but it was affordable and that's all that mattered. He nods before looking back at me.
"Not what I was expecting."
"Yeah, what were you expecting?" I practically growl.
"I'm not too sure, something smaller." I shake my head before pulling out some breakfast stuff.
"What did you want to talk about Jared, I have a meeting in about ten minutes."
"Oh, what do you do?"
"I'm a waitress."
"What's the meeting for?"
"Not work, it's none of your business honestly."
"See it's this tension that keeps me from getting to know the real you."
"You don't need to know the real me."
"Why can't you open up?" He asks sitting at the table, but a knock at the door stops me from answering. I look at him before sighing.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you come up here." I mutter, going toward the door. "You're early."
"I know, I have to go in a few minutes early." He says looking at me. "I didn't know if you were back yet."
"Yeah." I take the baby from his arms her laughing and jumping before taking the diaper bag.
"I'll see you friday."
"Like always." I chuckle.
"Have a good day. Love you princess." He kisses her forehead before turning to leave.
"Bye. Say bye daddy." I wave and she laughs when he turns around and does the same. Closing door I turn to look at Jared, his eyes on the baby in my arms.
"Who's this?"
"This is Makayla. My daughter."

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