Part seven

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Wednesday.... I rush around trying to grab everything I need to take with me to Anthony's house for Makayla's party. Makayla watches me from her bouncer laughing as I hurry around trying to get everything, I chuckle gently.
    "You think it's funny that you make mommy crazy don't you?" I kiss her forehead making her laugh again reaching out to me.
    "Up! Up!"
    "God I hate that you learned that word." I sigh. "Not right now pretty girl mommy has to grab a few more things." I kiss her again before going back into the kitchen when someone knocks making me sigh. "Who is it!?"
    "Come to the door and find out." I laugh gently, a smile instantly claiming my features. I hurry to the door letting him in, greeting him with a quick kiss. "Hi beautiful."
    "Hey Jay." The second Makayla sees him she screeches, jumping in her bouncer.
    "There's the birthday girl." He says happily running over to pull her free from her bouncer. "Happy birthday cutie." He kisses her cheek making her screech again.
    "Jay please." I laugh grabbing the few bags I had. "Want to put her in the car for me?"
    "Yeah, of course." He carries her out to the car, stealing on of the bags I was carrying in the process, I put everything in the back before turning around, noticing a man with a camera. I look at him for a second before looking over at Jay who's strapping Makayla into her seat. He's taking pictures of him, he's taking pictures of my daughter.
    "Jay." I look at him when he comes back.
    "Yeah what's up?"
    "He's taking pictures of my daughter."
    "That man. He's taking pictures of us, please, I can't have Makayla exposed like that." I close the back of the car as Jared looks over, my keys in my hand, walking away from him.
    "Hey, hey." He catches up to me in a few quick strides. "Please don't we've been doing so good."
    "Jared." I sigh loudly. "I don't care if they take pictures of us, if they badmouth me, but not her, not Makayla."
    "I'll go try to reason with him, please, don't leave yet."
"Ten minutes Jay."
"Okay." He kisses me quickly and hurries across the street to talk to the man taking pictures. I get in the car and look back at Makayla who's playing with her binky and the toys attached to her car seat. "There, all sorted out." He sighs and get's in the passenger seat.
"Yeah, how'd you possibly do that?"
"You don't want to know princess."
"Whatever, let's just go." I shake my head and drive to Anthony's house. Jared grabs Makayla and we get, headed for the backyard. "Anthony." I call out to him just as he's setting the cake on the table.
"Hey." He flashes me a smile before looking at Jared, who instantly glares at him. Makayla laughs and reaches for Anthony who happily takes her away from Jared.
"Okay, let's finish this." Alice comes bouncing through just after that with Shannon close behind.
"Where's my little Niece!" She yells getting Makayla's attention, who's sitting on the ground playing with Jared. Makayla screeches and looks at Alice and Shannon. "Hi pumkin."
"Hi!" Makayla greets her about a thousand times making Shannon laugh.
"Where do you want the gifts?" He asks looking over at me.
"That table." I point to a round table in the center. "Thanks."
"Need help with anything else?"
"Nope, nothing more than distracting Makayla from the gifts." He chuckles softly going to sit on the blanket with Jared and Makayla.
"Hm, look at you." Anthony says coming from the house.
"What do you mean?"
"You with Jared, Alice with Shannon, looks like you're life is finally on track."
"Something like that." I mutter. "Is Grace coming?" Sighing he nods.
"Yeah, sadly." I laugh at the fact that he hates his own sister. "Is he a good guy?"
"Oh yeah."
"Are you happy?"
"Good, Makayla really likes him." I laugh gently.
"That's because he's still a child." I tease.
"I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
"Well, well, hello Alisha."
"Grace." I nod in her direction.
"Bring your boyfriend with you?"
"Yeah, I did." I give her a kind sarcastic smile before looking over at Jared who's eyes look up from Makayla for the first time.
"Hello birthday girl." Grace grins as she heads right for Makayla, her strawberry blonde hair sweeping off her shoulders she she picks up Makayla making her fuss and reach for Jared. "Look how beautiful you look. Did daddy get you the outfit."
"No, I did." Alice chippers flashing a hateful smile at Grace.
"Well, looks like you are good at something other then sucking cock."
"Enough." I snap. "Not with my daughter." I take Makayla from her, rather forcefully.
"I honestly don't know why he keeps you around. You such a slut, the both of you. If I was him I take her from you so fast-"
"I know you would Grace, you've made that very clear." I snap, cutting her off. "So how about you shut the fuck up and mind your own business for a change."
"You're just made that Alisha can have children and you can't." Alice snaps making Grace's face harden,  but I don't say anything when Grace looks over at me for some back up. I'd never defend you. I shake my head.
"Come on princess, let's get you changed so you can greet people with a clean diaper." I bounce her gently making her chuckle before looking back at Jared, who's glaring at Grace. Shannon seemed stunned that the argument even happened, like he didn't expect something like that to be said at a one year old's birthday party. When I come back out a few more people had gathered in the backyard happy to see Makayla who curled into my neck at the new people. She wasn't very open when people gathered, and she'd never want to be passed to anyone other them Alice, not even Anthony at times.
"Well look who decided to grace us with her presence." Grace snaps as her mom Ginger comes over to see Makayla.
"That's enough." Ginger snaps at Grace. "My god." She mutters. "Hello sweetness, how's my beautiful grandbaby?" Makayla buries herself deeper into me when Ginger reaches out to touch her. "Still shy I see. Hello Alisha." She flashes me a kind smile before looking back at Makayla. "My god she looks more and more like you every time I see her."
"Thank you."
"She's a heartbreaker." Allen, Anthony's father, says coming over to see Makayla.
"That she is. Say hi Makayla. Grandma and grandpa flew a long way to see you." Makayla shakes her head no, turning to look over my shoulder at the cake no doubt. "I'm sorry, I try to get her to be more social, but nothing's working."
"Please, it's fine. They all go through that face... numerous different times." Ginger chuckles gently rubbing Makayla's head. "She's already one, my god, it feels like just yesterday we were flying out to see her be born."
"I know." I kiss Makayla's head softly before she reaches behind me, surprising me.
"Up." She whines reaching over my shoulders. Someone behind me wraps their hands around her, pulling her up over my shoulder. When I look back I see Jared pressing her into his chest as she buries her face into his neck, her hand tangled in his beard.
"And who's this cutie." Ginger asks winking.
"This Jared, Jared, this is Anthony's parents Ginger and Allen."
"Hi." He nods in their direction before looking over at Anthony.
"Jared, as in Jared Leto?"
"Yeah." Jared says smiling as he looks back at Allen.
"You're mom and I went to highschool together." Stunned I raise a brow looking over at Jared.
"Oh my! You're Constance's boy! I remember when you were this tall." She gestures a high with her hand. "How are you honey?"
"I'm fine thanks."
"How's your mom?"
"She's good. Shannon." He calls out to his brother making him look over and Jared gestures for him to come over.
"What's up?"
"This is Allen and Ginger, they went to school with mom."
"Mom?" He looks over, flashing them a smile. "Shannon, nice to meet you." He shake their hand making them arch a brow at him.
"Constance has two sons?"
"When we knew her she only had one."
"That'd be me." Shannon chuckles.
"Really I swore his name was Jared." Ginger ponders.
"No honey, she was pregnant when we last saw her."
"Oh! Yes, that's right! Well, I'm glad your mom is well."
"Thank you."
"Please tell her we said hi."
"Will do." Jared and Shannon say at the same time.
"Small world." Alice says coming to stand beside me.
"Yeah it is." I look over again to see my aunt coming in with a gift in her hand.
"Alisha, love."
"Hi Aunt Silvia."
"Where's that beautiful baby of yours?" She asks looking at me once she's finally let me free from a tight hug. "Alice darling, you look stunning.
"Thank you." Alice takes Aunt Silvias gift and sets it on the table before hugging her.
"Oh my goodness look at you! You're so big!" Aunt Silvia says looking at Makayla, who turns away from her. "My goodness Anthony, you need a shave dear."
"No, no Aunt Silvia, this is Jared. Anthony's in the house."
"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Jared flashes her a smile, rubbing Makayla's back gently.
"My god, you picked a good one this time." Aunt Silvia whispers making me blush slightly. "He's stunning."
"Okay." I laugh gently. "Want something to drink?"
"Oh no honey, I can't stay too long, I have to meet with your uncle, pain in the ass wouldn't take off work. Hopefully we're back in time for gifts. Speaking of, here, it's from your parents." My heart leaps into my throat when she pulls out an envelope.
"My parents?" I mutter looking up at her stunned. "My parents asked you to bring me something?"
"Well your mom said she would've sent it to you herself, but she didn't have your address."
"She asked for it." I mutter turning over the white rectangle.
"She sent a gift for Makayla too, I put it in the bag with mine."
"Aunt Silvia." I sigh. "You didn't have to do this. Please don't get my hopes up that they're actually interested in my daughter."
"No honey, this time they really sent something." I look at her surprised before nodding.
"Well, thank you."
"Sure hun. I'll be back in a bit alright, don't open anything without me."
"I won't." I reassure, slipping the envelope into my pocket.
"You're not gonna open it?" Jared asks looking at me.
"Not right now."
"Aren't you happy they're acknowledging the two of you?" Alice asks.
"Yeah a year later." I mutter. We move through the party fairly quickly opening presents and doing cake. I hold off on the gift from my parents, doing it on purpose, god only knows what they sent her. We clean up as she sleeps in her crib and load some stuff in the car. "Do you want to keep her?" I ask looking at Anthony."
"No, you can take her, unless you want to be alone, for what your parents gave you."
"It doesn't matter, now she's just going to sleep."
"Yeah, but I have to work tomorrow, unless Nancy or Grace will watch her for the Next two days."
"I'll go get her." I say headed up the stairs, waking her. She sleepily opens her eyes to look up at me. "Come on princess." I pick her up and bring her back downstairs, saying goodbye to Anthony and his parents. Jared sets her in her seat and gets in the driver seat before I can. "What are you doing?"
"Going to get Makayla's present, I left it at my house."
"Just bring it to her tomorrow."
"No, then it's not her birthday." Sighing I don't object anymore, leaning my head against the window, closing my eyes. "Did you open the envelope?"
"Are you going to?"
"Yeah, just not right now." I fall asleep until I feel the car come to a stop.
"Were here princess." He says brushing his hand over my hair. Slowly I wake up, looking up at his house as he gets out and grabs Makayla. I follow after him, as he unlocks the door. I yawn loudly shutting the door behind me when something rubs against my leg. Startled I look down to see the pure white husky with brilliant blue eyes.
"Please tell me this isn't her present." I say scratching the dog's ear.
"Of course not. She moms I'm watching her while she's away visit some family."
"That's sweet of you."
"Come on."
"Where are we going?" I ask following him up the stairs admiring Makayla sleeping on his shoulder.
"You'll see." He says coming to a room on the right. He opens the door and inside is a light pink room with all kinds of toys and baby necessities.
"Jay... what is all this?" I ask as he lays her in the white crib with soft pink sheets to match the color of the walls.
"Her room, now you can stay here sometimes."
"Jay... I can't- I can't accept this."
"Well it's too late now." He says Looking around the room. "We'll figure something else out when Shannon comes over... or we can looks for a bigger house."
"W-we?" My heart drums in my chest. "W-what do you mean we?" Jared shifts awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well I was thinking maybe you and Makayla would like to love in with me." He looks up at me, his blue eyes shining with hope and wonder.
"Jay I-" I look around the room before looking back at him.

I was thinking about starting to take requests. I still have a few ideas for fanfictions, but I wanted to eat a little bit of feed back from others. If there's anything in particular you wanted to read let me know and I'll write it to the best of my ability. Thanks for reading 😍

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