Part nine

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I spent the next few days ignoring the hell out of Jay, acting like he never existed, like we weren't in a serious relationship. I knew it was my fault that this long distance thing wasn't working, but I couldn't bring myself to admit it. I couldn't admit that I loved him, that I was happy, about this baby, about our relationship. I couldn't admit that I was where I wanted to be in my life. I busied myself with making another book as Alice draws until the day comes, they're return. I'd told Alice about the test, but unlike her I hadn't made a doctor's appointment, or had any morning sickness, which was natural, I didn't with Makayla either until I was half way through. The doctor appointment was tomorrow, for her first ultrasound, hopefully with Shannon, but now she was standing in front of her full body mirror, looking over herself in the deep blue dress that hugged every inch of her body. She fussed over her hair and makeup for well over three hours and was currently debating on redoing it.
    "Alice, enough, you look fantastic, now go get the father of your baby from the airport." I say pushing her toward the door.
    "Are you sure?"
    "Will you be okay?"
    "Of course I will."
    "Okay, I'll be back later."
    "No, no, go ahead. Shoe go be happy." I swat her out the door before closing it and turning to look at Makayla who's pinching Anthony's nose as he sleeps on the couch. "Okay, doctor's appointment it is." I sigh grabbing my purse before waking Anthony to tell him I'm running out on an errand, since he didn't know about Jared's baby. I slip into the doctor's office, looking over to see Alice and I's book laying on the stand beside me, next to a 'Mommy & me' pamphlet with was just a down low on pregnancy. I get called in a while later, since I was so fucking early. The doctor tells me to lay flat and applies the gel, searching for the wonderful heartbeat. It feels like it takes him an eternity to find the baby's heartbeat, but eventually the small white spot comes to the screen, the steady, rapid beat taking over the silent room. I remember when I first heard Makayla's how happy I was, the pain that followed.
    I get off the plane, expecting a text from Alisha, but nothing comes up, just a text from mom and a few other people, but not who I was looking for. Sighing I head toward the car that was meant to pick us up when I see Alice come charging through the airport in a cute, tight, dark blue long dress. Shannon drops his bags to the ground, running to meet her halfway, the force knocking him to the ground, the two of them clinging to each other for dear life. I look around, scanning the area before looking back at them. Where is she? After that Shannon and Alice disappear, and I head for the condo. I knock on the door, my head downcast as I think about her rejecting me, but when the door opens, Anthony answers the door, shirtless and in a towel. She told me he stays there occasionally, but I never thought anything of it, until now.
    "Where's Alisha?" I ask some bite to my words.
    "She had to run some errands, I thought that meant picking you up and heading to your house." He says looking behind me, waiting to see her when Makayla starts to cry. "Shit, um, come in." He hurries to let me in and close the door, disappearing down the hallway.
    "I'll get her." I say headed toward her room.
    "Thanks man!" He calls from another room. I look at Makayla as she screams in her crib, standing up, gripping the edge for dear life.
    "Hi beautiful." I lift her up making her whimper before she looks at me, her hands reaching out to touch my face.
    "Jay!" She calls happily a small smile touching her lips.
    "Hey beautiful." I say again, smiling back at her. I grab her blanket before heading back out to the kitchen. I make her some lunch and hand her a sippy cup, she graciously takes it.
    "Sorry man, thanks."
    "No problem." Anthony takes over, grabbing her lunch from the microwave before turning toward her. "Where did she say she was going?"
    "She didn't she just said errands. Sorry man."
    "Nah, thanks. Can you just tell her I dropped in?"
    "Yeah, of course."
    "Bye cutie." I wave to Makayla as she screeches, a grin spreading over her face.
    "Bye!" She yells as I make my way toward the door making me chuckle. God when did she grow up? I pull out my phone to call Alisha, but it goes right to voice mail. Sighing I head to the house, I don't hear from her until the next day when I get a text.
    'Meet me at two. We need to talk.' I knew it was coming, I couldn't stand the fact that it was happening, but I that didn't mean I would accept it. She was not getting rid of me that easily, and if she thought she would she was an idiot. No, not was, she is an idiot. Griping my phone in anger I storm off to where she wanted me to meet her. Sitting in the booth across from her I feel my heart flutter. God she got more beautiful every time I saw her.
    "Well, I'm here." I say folding my arms in front of me. It's been at least three weeks since we'd seen each other.
    "And I'm pregnant." She snaps back making me choke on the drink I took from her glass.
    "Wait, you're what?"
    "Yeah, three months along." She says pushing a black a white picture toward me.
    "You're fucking with me right?"
    "How am I fucking with you when I have an ultrasound picture?" She snaps.
    "I-you- we-" She shakes her head chuckling. "Really?"
    "Yes!" She snaps grinning at me.
    "Fuck yes!" I shout, shooting up out of the booth, everyone turning to look at me. "She's pregnant!" I shout making everyone cheer and clap.
    "Jay please." She hisses at me.
    "Sorry." I sit back in front of her. "So... that's why you've been avoiding me?"
    "I wasn't avoiding you." She says sighing. "Okay when I sound out I was, but not before then, Alice and I have just been so busy." She says looking up at me.
    "I'm gonna be a dad." I say flashing her another smile.
    "Yeah, you're gonna be a dad Jay." She says softly. "And you're gonna be an uncle."
    "An uncle?" I look at her completely lost.
    "Alice is pregnant."
    "What!? With Shannon's baby?!"
    "Obviously with Shannon's baby you dumbass, how else would it be your niece or nephew." She laughs.
    "Shut the fuck up." I snaps at her. "But like it's Shannon's right?"
    "Yes." She laughs lightly. "It's Shannon's." A huge grin spreads across my face. Shannon's having a kid too. God this day couldn't possibly get any better. "So, when do you want me to move in?" She looks around at the people who take random pictures of the two of us.
    "Move  in?" I ask raising a brow at her, the grin claiming my features once again. "You're really moving in?" Her, me, Makayla, and the new little bundle of joy all in one house?
    "If you still want me to." She says sheepishly.
    "My fucking god. Are you trying to kill me?"
    "You want me too?" She asks teasingly. "I mean I could suggest marr-"
    "Sh! Sh, sh, not now. Yes I want you to move in with me." I say yanking her out of the booth. "Like right fucking now."
    Seven months later... I lay in bed, breathing through the contraction. Fucking Jay I'm gonna kill him if he misses the birth of his child! He was in the middle of a concert in Texas when I called, he'd put me on speaker so I could tell all his fans why he'd be leaving early and now he's on a three hour flight praying he'll make it back in time. Constance on the other hand was on her way, just five minutes down the street when I called, because she planned to stop in anyway. Alice had called me just before my water broke saying she was headed to the hospital, without Shannon, because she was on the verge of having their daughter in their bed. I was no where close to pushing, honestly I had a good amount of time left, at least I hope I do. Makayla took a whole twenty four hours, and I'm praying, this baby takes a hell of a lot less, but not too much less. The contraction passes and I just lay there breathing steadily when his mom comes rushing in.
    "We need to go, so we can get to Alice!" She yells grabbing my hospital back and helping me out of the bed. Within an hour I was waddling into Alice's hospital room as she layed in bed sweating profusely trying to hold the baby for as long as possible.
    "I'm so tired." She breaths.
    "Me too." I admit, holding her hand.
    "How far apart are you?"
    "A long time." I say shaking my head.
    "I'm at three minutes." She says tears welling in her eyes. "He's gonna miss it Alisha, I know he is." She sobs.
    "Sh, stop, he'll be here, even if he has to run across the country."
    "Excuse me miss, I need you to get back in bed." The nurses says to me.
    "No, really I'm fine, they're still really far apart."
    "Just, please." Sighing I do as told, laying in bed, Alice and I's fingers hooked together.
    "We're gonna be okay. They'll be here." Constance comes in just then looking at the two of us, taking a picture to send to the guys, and probably post on social media. I could feel the contractions starting to pull closer together and I knew the baby would be here in less than an hour, and Alice's in less than a few minutes more or less. Constance was helping Alice push through the contractions when the doctor comes in and sits between her knees.
    "You're fully dilated."
    "No." She sobs, as the nurse calls Shannon on facetime. They were about to land when the doctor came in. "No, please."
    "Get ready to push."
    "It's okay babygirl. I'm right here." Shannon encourages her. Needless to say, he missed it all, and facetiming wasn't enough for Alice. She cried for a long time after that, both joyous and sad, but before long she was passed out. I felt guilty that Jared was going to make it when Shannon had to miss out, but I couldn't do anything about it. They named their daughter Rose Marie Leto, a beautiful baby girl with chocolate brown eyes and dark hair.
I laid in my hospital bed watching Alice rest when they wheel a sleeping Rose in the room, her birth certificate on the front of her plastic bassinet. The nurse didn't wake Alice, since Rose was sleeping anyway. The tiny bundle of blankets made me want to have mine that much more. I could already feel the tears of joy flooding my waterline when the door bursts open and in comes a panicking Thirty Seconds To Mars. Jay rubs over to me throwing his arms around me before rubbing my baby bump.
"Oh my god baby I'm so sorry. I knew it was a bad idea to leave you."
"Sh, sh, you're here now that's all that matters." I say softly, my hand running over his smooth jawline.
"When they told us landing was delayed because of the weather, I thought for sure I was gonna miss it."
"Sh, sh, go meet your niece, we still have time." I say tiredly. He walks around the bed after giving me a quick kiss, headed for Shannon and Rose.
"She's beautiful." Shannon whispers, tears in his eyes. Jay looks on at the baby with nothing but fondness when the door bursts open again.
"Mommy!" Makayla comes running in jumping on the foot of my bed before crawling up to lay beside me. Anthony sets her bag on the chair before looking at me.
"How you holding up?"
"Good." I nod. "Thanks for bringing her, I know it's your day."
"Oh please, it was my pleasure she's excited meet her brother or sister."
"Mommy." As if on cue Makayla looks up at me.
"Yeah baby girl?"
"Your baby, did daddy bring her in?"
"No, baby." She says pointing to my stomach.
"They didn't come yet."
"No baby?"
"Not yet baby girl, they said mommy's to comfy. You know you took a whole day before deciding you wanted to leave me."
"No!" She exclaims dramatically pouting.
"He or she will be here before you know it." I say kissing her forehead.
"Oh." She says as if she already knew that. "Okay." She flashes me a missing tooth smile before kissing me. "Hurry." She whispers to my stomach before hoping off the bed and going to Jay.
"Look Makayla it's your cousin." Jay says lifting her up to see Rose who was still sound asleep in Shannon's arms. Makayla gasps dramatically.
"Is mine?"
"No honey this one's not ours." Jay says chuckling. "This one's uncle Shannons."
"No come home?"
"Of course she can come home." Shannon laughs. "Where else would she be?"
"We'll have three babies at home." Jay says reassuringly.
"Three babies?!" She gasps before looking at me making me chuckle before the contractions start again. She looks at me worriedly before she starts to fuss.
"Sh, sh mommy's okay." Jay says trying to keep her from crying. My groaning wakes Alice from her sleep.
"Shannon." She wails. "Shannon I'm so sorry you missed it."
"Sh baby girl it's okay, its okay you're so brave for doing it all on your own. I'm so proud of you baby." He leans over her showing her a peaceful Rose when the contractions start again waking Rose. She starts to fuss just in time for the doctor to come in. Anthony takes a  hysterical Makayla from the room just as the doctor tells me I'm ready to push. I start pushing with Jay counting down in my ear whispering encouragement that only makes me more mad at him. When the doctor makes me stop.
"He's breach."
"Huh?" I pant out.
"You're gonna have to push harder. He's coming feet first."
"I can't." I shake my head crying from the pain. It never hurt this bad with Makayla. She was so easy she practically fell out, or so the doctors joked the entire time I was there, this one was so much harder.
"Yes you can baby, I'm right here."
"You're not pushing this thing out." I sob. "I can't Jay." I shake my head, listening to Rose cry before Alice finally gets her to attach to her breast. "It hurts so badly."
"Baby girl it's okay." He says holding my hand. "You can do it I promise. Now give me that baby." He teases softly.
"Get ready to push, nice and hard now." The doctor says as the nurse and Jay help me sit up. Sobbing I push as hard as I can but he's being stubborn. "You've got a stubborn little boy." The doctor chuckles. "I'm gonna have to see if I can move him." He pulls his glove higher making me gulp.
"You're not gonna like reach in are you?" Jay stutters looking faint.
"No please god no." I shake my head. I was in enough pain.
"It's okay I'm just gonna turn him a bit, he's right here." But despite my head shaking I feel the baby push up and twist making me scream in pain. "Little pressure."
"Fuck! Pressure my ass! Oh god." I cry. Trying to calm my heart rate, the beeping on the monitor driving me insane.
"Okay, he's situated perfect now push."
"Can we time out for a second?" I plead.
"If we wait he might curl back up. He really doesn't want to leave you mommy." He chuckles trying to make me feel better but just the thought of the little munchkin curling back up made me want to vomit. That means the doctor would have to reach and push and I'm not doing that ever again. Sitting up I push would out anyone's help. "Good girl one more good one just like that." I push again and finally I hear the familiar cries of the baby ring through the hospital room. Sighing I lean back, looking up at the ceiling, the room spinning. I blink slowly trying to regain composure, but the edges of my vision go dark. "Alisha?"
"Alisha honey?"
"Alisha baby girl look at me. Alisha no!" My eyes flutter no matter how hard I try to keep them open, they just won't stay up.

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