Black Time

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I wander the forest for days. I knew I was gradually getting closer to the Cullen house, but I was miles off. The pain of their rejection Hirt me than anything. I had feed if lots of animals, I knew the cullens knew I was still around, I sometimes I would cross their sent but never saw them again. I had also met a human once but their blood didn't Appel to me. I knew I hated the smell of human blood in my human Life, I guess that trait followed into my vampire life 

I walked into a clearing and stopped. There were trees that had been torn into chunks I took a deep breath. I gasped. This was heavy with Esme's sent, but jaspers was far gone. Unless she was never burned. I leaped into action. There were piece of torn clothes littered around as well. I knew I would have to but her together as well, but that could be a bit embarrassing as well bit I couldn't jus take her back to the Cullen's. They'll probably rip me to pieces and burn them. I looked though the piles of wood and cloth. I cringed as I saw large white chunks of rock. But these were not rock at all. I scooped up the large chunks and put them in my bag. I spent hours and hours looking for the remind of Esme. I have found most if her but her head and right arm. I would find the rest later. I walked into an empty cottage. It was empty, it had been for years by the old smells of the things that had started to grow around here.

It still had a bed. I looked around the rest of the house. It looked in good condition for it's age. I pulled the bag from my back and emptied the contence onto the table. I laid out all the pieces out and looked at them. It stated to look like a life size jiccsaw puzzle. I stayed to build the piece together. 

The burning in my throat got worse but I knew it was time to hunt but I didn't want to leave Esme yet. It had been over three days and  had finally finish putting her body together, I slipped on a tank top and jean shorts on her already, all I needed to do now was find the rear of her and attach her limbs. I pulled a huge White bed sheet over the table and pit he bag over my shoulder. This reminded me of frankinsteins monster as it was being put together. This time there's a huge difference. I slipped out side and headed towards the clearing. The search for Esme has stretched quite far in different directions. I pressed my nose against the earth and inhaled. This had helped me find some buried pieces. Jasper had done very well at dismantling her to he honest. Very well. I guess he didn't have a lighter on him at the time. Again I smelt Esme sent but I was weaker here so I followed my nose till my head hit a large oak tree. It had large roots sticking up all over the place. I dug around; finally my hand hit something solid. A few seconds later I had uncovered Esme's head I let out a breath if relief. I was afraid it wasn't in tact but it was fine. It looked like she as sleeping.  

I put her gently in my bag and took off in search for my dinner. It was already nightfall. I had caught a large buck, elk and bear but I knew as soon as I put her head back on Esme would need some blood to help her heal properly. I sprinted back to the cottage and ripped back the white sheet. I lifted Es head out and placed it a few centre meters from the rest of the neck. It was now or never Bella now or never. Input one hand on Esme's shoulder to prevent her from shooing up and I pushed her head to her body. As soon as it made don't tact Esme gasped jerked out of my grip and started hissing and snarling. I leaped against the opposite wall i didnt what her to think i was a thret. I could tell she was remembering what had happen and was still reaching to that. After a couple minuets she finally recognised me. Her eyes widened as she saw me. i walked over to her.

"Bella?" she asked and tied to sit up.  

"No no Esme. Stay how you are" I ordered. She sighed and lay back down.  

" what happened after I left? I only remember running and getting a pair of hands around my head then nothing after that" 

"well after you two legged it, I went thought the transformation. As you can see" I gestured to my self. "I woke up and I was alone. The others were down stairs at the table" Esme frowned but carried on listening. " so after all I had been though Alice blamed me for jasper leaving" Esme gasped, going wide eyed. 


"Yes. She even tried to rip my head off" Esme's mouth hung open. I started to feel bad about telling her all this. i didnt want her to see the dark side of her family "Eventually Carlisle stepped in. Told Alice to calm dawn and me.... Just go" I said, impersonated his voice perfectly at the last two words. Again Esme gasped.

"He didn't" i looked at the floor. That confirmed her thoughts. "Oh Bella" she pulled me into a one armed hug. "how long ago?" she asked when she released me, but grabbed my arm.

" Two weeks" 

"wait two weeks. Your a two week old new born. Oh how dear they" she shrieked at shot up from her seat, wobbled and sat back down; her legs were still trying to reknit itself to gether again. I looked confused.


"Newly turned vampires are usually uncontrolled and bloodthirsty in their first year" Esme explained outraged. I froze. So the cullens knew what I would have been like if I didn't have self controlled. My face darkened. This was what Alice wanted me to do, kill humans until I got myself killed.

"How could they do this to me" I whipered and curled up into a ball againt the wall. I heard Esme limp down and sat next to me. That remined me i needed to find her other arm.

"I don't know what happened. but i feel sorry that their going to miss out on having me and you in their coven" I felt my face light up a bit. i didnt want to be alone. i felt my self smile weakly. "Come on. i need to find my other arm" I quickly got up and helped her up too. We both walked from the door. For the first time in two weeks i felt really happy. i had gained a person who i valuted as a mother as a sister now. I didn't need the Cullens anymore.

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