Black Time

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Edwards POV

"We got them we got them we got them" Alice chanted, excitedly, outloud and in her head.

"What now Alice" My voice emotionless. Like it had been for the past 56 years. Even Carlisle's voice had been like that, Only when humans were around he had to put on a mask and pretend to be someone else.

"Every get down here now" She demanded. Ugh. it was so much better when she was away. Why did she have to be so....cheerful? I got up from my couch, my should have gone stiff from being stuck like this for days without moving, Only moving by going out to hunt. From his office Carlisle stepped out, going at a slow human pase like me.

Over the past 56 years Carlisle had really let him self go. Never in all my years had i seen him like this when She was alive. Even before that. He had stopped hunting regulaly. If it wasn't for his self control them he would have sliped up in the hospital. He gave that up 30 years ago. Unable to face all the humans that smiled, had familys, had happy emotions. In his mind he could help but compare our family now to them, and what was family was like, to them. He was now regretting even moving to forks to begin with. After Alice found Jasper again and brought him back, Carlisle wouldn't even come out his room. Unable to look at him. Everytime he did he would picutre Esme of the fateful night, running from him. Once Alice caught him, trying to sneak out to volurra to kill him self, luckily Emmett was there to drag him back- Litterly. He didn't try to make any of theose plans again, knowing that we would stop him.

That was one of the reasons Rosalie and Emmett stayed round with us. Stop things from happening.

"Last month there were compation tickets given out. We won" ALice squealed, happly.

"And..." Emmett pressed on, for the past 56 year Emmett hadn't been his goofy self either, He now acted as coven leader most of the time snce Carlisle didn't

"We won" Alice repeted. "We're going to sped the weekend with the band Shadows fallen" I almost groned. Not again. Alice was obsessed with that group. Only because it was the "Best" "Human" voices she had ever heard. Quoting her thoughs. Now i though about it she was so annoying, controlling everything too.

"Why?" Carlisle asked, folding his arms.

"Evryone's been so dead the past five and a half decades. Nows the time to start a new. I hate the past few decades. Please, can we go. I already go the tickets. The limo will be picking us up tomorrow." Alice begged. Carlisle growled silently, annoyed.

"What are we doing then"

"Well. Actually we hang around, talk..."

"You have no idea, do you?" I accused. She froze for a second.

"I can't see them." She admited, shamefully. The others straightened up. "I can see till the limo arrives but other than that i can't get a good picture. Its been giving me a headach everytime i tryed"

"So what your saying, that we could meet the volturi there and  you would not know the outcome, Some physic you are" Rosalie snapped, Jasper growled softly at her.

"Stop it" Emmett snapped at both of them. "Can you see us leave after" Alice froze into a vision.

"Yes but i can't make out the looks on our face's they seem...blured, Like it can go two ways but at the same time"

"Carlisle what do you think?" I asked, knowing he wasn't bothered any more.He shrugged, saying nothing. His thoughts were very quiet now, like he was hoping to fade away with time.

"If its something to do" He murmered quietly, even his real voice was like it. Alice jumped up.

"Alright, we'll need a change of clothes, Make up, jewllery.." Not bothering to listen to her i got up and walked up the stairs at a human pace, taking as much time as possible. I took my time packing, only a small bagpack of things like clothes, a book, my ipod and, laptop.

"Edward that will never do" Alice said. butting into the room

"I don't give a damn on what you think Alice. Im taking what i want" I said, pushing past her and zoomed down stairs. Carlisle was already down stairs a small bag by his feet too. He was reading a news paper, something about killings in seattle. After 10 minuets there was nohting then finally i heard tired hit the gavel on the drive way. Carlisle sighed dropping the news paper onto the coffe table. I watched as the long vehical pulled up. Strnly the drivers mind was silent. i could sence the thoughts were there but i couldn't get a read. like a scrambled signal on a radio. I looked at Alice who was holding Jasper's hand. Her face was pulled into a frown. From her mind i could see that her visions were blank. Oh great, not.

"You must be the Cullens" The driver said addressing Carlisle. "Im Rick, I'll be yor shoffer to the time you stay. Any bags, i'll put them in the boot"

"I'll keep mine with me" I said, slinging the small back over my shoulder. "Emmett, Rosalie, Alice..Jasper's stuff will be put in the boot" Carlisle said, stutting over Jaspers name, making jasper wince.

"Of course" he opened the side door, Alice jumped in, soon follwed by the others. The inside of the lio seened pretty nice, but it had a girly touch to it.

wow it so nice, i should buy us one - Alice.

"No Alice" I said, knowing she wouldn't listen. I pulled ut my ipod and book. hopefuly this should pass the time.


Yeah yeah, i know short chapter. For the next few chapters im going to do it in one of the Cullens POV. Im not sure weather or not you'll like it  but you;ll understand whats life has been like when Esme and Bella disapeared. im not sure when i'll next pose so please be patient. Thank you

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