Black Time

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It turned out that Zafrina's camp was I guess things from their victims, i tryed not to cring at the thought. They also had large animal canvases tents, worn with age. Some things were hand crafted, there were even hammocks but I guessed they weren't used much.  

"welcome to camp" katchiri said smiling. "Of course it doesn't last for long though but we do try and keep it nice"

"It is nice" I said looing around. They smiled.

"You know. i've never met a person who can block my talent" Zafrina said, looking at me with intrest. i shrugged.

"People have that problem with me." I said simply Esme laughed.

"I think thats her gift. A shield maybe. She may even manage to exspand it so she can protect other people." Senna said standing next to her. A shield.

"Maybe i should start at the beggining of how my old coven met bella" Esme said. They nodded and we all sat down. Esme told them from when i met in biology and to what happened to james. They were pissed at he did and would have murdered him if he wasnt dead. I told them on what happened on my birthday.

"So when i woke up. i was in edwards room. He wasn't there. that stuck me as odd you know. So i went down stairs to find all the others and edward sitting at the table. Of course Esme and jasper wasn't there. i didn't know at the time. Alice blamed me for japser Leaving and tryed to kill me" They gasped outraged. They knew the cullens were quite pecasfull but they never saw ths side of them. "She just kept on going, i just kept dodgeing. i didn't want to hurt her even though she was trying to kll me. Then Carlisle stepped in and told me to leave." Their eyes widened.

"And you had just woken up. A new born and all" Senna hissed and stated to pace. she muttered things like 'Irrasponsable", "Could have been uncontrolled' and 'never saw that coming'. i knew i had damaged their view on them now.

"It took me almost two weeks to find and put Esme back together"

"How old are you now?" Katchri said, looked at my eyes.

"Just under three weeks" They all looked taken back.

"Seriously" I nodded.

"Your very controlled for a new born. i would say that you can even walk among humans at the end of the year if you keep this up" Zafina said. I perked up slightly. Even as this i wanted to walk among humans without wanting to eat them. 

"oh goody" I said clapping my hands. They laughed.  

"so i think we can start on working with your talent. Today perhaps. The earlier the better" Zafrina smiled. "Hummmm, Don't panic" she said then Esme's eyes slid out of focuse. I knew she had taken out her sighted. i stiffened. 

"Bella close your eyes and consentrate, I think its should feel like theres a invisable band over you" I closed my eyes. It took me a while to accturly find it. While Esme chatted blindly to the others i felt like i was wrestling with what Zafrina said, a invisable rubber band.  It was just so hard. There was nothing to get a hold of, nothing solid to work with. I pushed it out again. Covering Esme and me. She jumped and looked around. Zafrina's face it up.

"Oh well done Bella. See if you can expand to the others" Katchri, and Senna stiffened and their eyes unfocused. Of course they had expected it. I huffed. and tryed to push it out thurther out. I knew my weariness was mental, i knew my new body would never get tired. Just as i got it pas Katchri's shoulder it snapped back to my head. I growled in frustration. 

"Your doing exseedlinly well Bella. It take year and years for someone to do that. We''ll start again tomorrow." Zafrina said.  The others drifed away to their useral place. I stayed as i was. 

"Your doing really well. im very proud of you." She smiled. "Now im going to hunt. you coming" I nodded then we ran into the forest.

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